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41 4 . CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) : <br /> houses on certain lots and impact of specific siting. The staff <br /> report also included the recommendation that Council direct the <br /> applicant to include in a record deed for all lots associated with the <br /> knoll or other hilltop locations a note that states : 'This lot has <br /> been determined by the Town of Los Altos Hills to have potential <br /> impact on the views of surrounding properties, consequently <br /> restrictions relating to height and bulk may be required as conditions <br /> of development . Prior to any application for development permits , the <br /> property owner must meet with the planning staff of the Town to <br /> discuss design concerns . ' In addition to the recommendations in the <br /> staff report, Council also considered granting an extension to a <br /> certain date and referring this matter to a subcommittee of the <br /> Planning Commission for their review. <br /> Mr. Russ Carter, applicant , noted that several of the lots already had <br /> restrictions on them and commented that he preferred using the <br /> statement recommended by the Director of Public Works in his staff <br /> report. <br /> Mr. Bob Stutz , member - Pathways , Recreation and Parks Committee , <br /> asked about the paths and was informed that they would be shown on the <br /> final map. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to approve a time extension <br /> for the tentative map, Lands of McCulloch, to November 1, 1989 and to <br /> request the Planning Commission, at their next meeting, to appoint a <br /> subcommittee to review the tentative map conditions and to make a <br /> recommendation on any additional conditions to be imposed especially <br /> regarding height, siting and ridgeview protection. <br /> 5. Corporation Yard Repair and Reconstuction Project - Resolution <br /> Casey removed this item just for clarification of what the project <br /> involved. The Director of Public Works explained that in part the roof <br /> needed repair, new windows and siding were needed and the upstairs <br /> needed insulation, sheetrocking and a new heating system. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #113 <br /> ordering the performance of certain work (repair and remodeling of <br /> corporation yard facilities) <br /> L -9- 9/20/89 <br />