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L <br /> 5. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br /> Mr. David Roos , Hill Way, asked about the status of recycling in the <br /> Town and why it was taking so long to get it in place. It was his <br /> understanding that the Los Altos Garbage Company was ready to proceed. <br /> Staff explained that several options for recycling in the Town were <br /> being studied; however, to date the proposals received had not met the <br /> needs of the Town. Input had also been requested from residents <br /> through the newsletter. Mr. Roos offered to assist in any meetings on <br /> the subject. <br /> Mrs. Fran Stevenson, 26989 Beaver Lane, also expressed her interest in <br /> helping out on the issue of recycling. <br /> Mr. Philip Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, asked that the Sheriff ' s <br /> Department be instructed to enforce bicycle regulations . <br /> Mrs . Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill, stated she was representing the <br /> Los Altos High School Marching Band and invited the Council to attend <br /> a performance on Saturday, October 7 at 5:00 p.m. The performance and <br /> dinner would take place at the Mt. View High School . <br /> k Mrs . Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, addressed the issue of <br /> Iliko <br /> charges for Council minutes and agendas. She was advised that the <br /> charge had been recently increased from $20/year to $60/year. Mrs . <br /> Bertram believed this new charge was exhorbitant. On the issue of <br /> CC&Rs (conditions , covenants and restrictions) Mrs . Bertram asked that <br /> the Town not approve any CC&Rs which did not allow horses on the <br /> subdivision. Council asked staff for a report on this issue. Mrs. <br /> Bertram also relayed a message from Teddi Schick. Mrs . Schick asked <br /> for an explanation of Councilmember Johnson' s hotel expenses for a <br /> recent conference in Monterey. She had been advised that the hotel <br /> rate for the conference was $104. 50 per night ; however, Councilmember <br /> Johnson had paid $207 . 90 per night . Councilmember Johnson briefly <br /> commented on this matter and stated that the reservations for these <br /> conferences were made by the City Clerk. *Ile further noted that the City Clerk <br /> Mrs . Artemas Ginzton, 28014 Natoma, commented on the consequences of <br /> removing the conservation easement on Elena. She wanted Council to be <br /> aware that extensive grading was taking place on the Lands of Ghafouri <br /> and it was a potentially serious problem. Council asked for a staff <br /> report on this issue. <br /> Mrs. Judy Carico, Planning Commissioner, addressed the same issue Mrs. <br /> Ginzton did and noted that the development on the Lands of Ghafouri <br /> had been denied by the Planning Commission but approved by the <br /> Council . Mrs. Carico also noted that some time ago pictures had been <br /> taken of hilltop houses and they should be at Town Hall . <br /> *asked if he had a preference for a hotel in Monterey and he said he would prefer to stay <br /> where he had stayed last year. (AMENDED BY COUNCIL 10/4/89) <br /> -5- 9/20/89 <br />