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410 <br /> 7 . OLD BUSINESS: (continued) : <br /> Commissioner uses his or her title, shall be copied to all <br /> Councilmembers and the City Manager; correspondence written by a <br /> Commissioner shall also be copied to all other Commissioners. Such <br /> correspondence, whether directed to a Councilmember ' s home or Town <br /> Hall, shall be given to the City Clerk for copying and distribution. <br /> Personal Contacts with Outside Agencies <br /> Contacts with outside agencies , appearing before outside elected or <br /> appointed committees and other groups as well as undertaking face-to- <br /> face or phone conversations with individual officials in their elected <br /> or appointed capacities. <br /> It is important that outside agencies or representatives of those <br /> agencies know when they are being given the official position of the <br /> Town. Thus , at the beginning of any contact with an outside agency or <br /> its representative, elected and appointed officials of the Town shall <br /> indicate whether or not they are representing the Town. In any case , <br /> they are free to indicate their position with the Town, if they so <br /> choose. <br /> 8 . NEW BUSINESS : <br /> 4111/ <br /> 8 . 1 Banning the Use of Steel Jaw Animal Traps - Ordinance <br /> (First Reading) <br /> Johnson noted that he believed some additional review was needed on <br /> the ordinance banning the use of steel jaw animal traps and the City <br /> Attorney stated that he would prepare a report. <br /> Mrs. Fran Stevenson, 26989 Beaver Lane, stated that she supported the <br /> ordinance banning the use of steel jaw animal traps . <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue this item to the next Council <br /> Meeting. <br /> 8.2 Altamont Road Pathway Project <br /> Council had before them the 9/20/89 Director of Public Works ' staff <br /> report which inlcuded the recommendation that Council authorize an <br /> amendment to the 1980 Parkland Grant application for the purpose of <br /> improving the Altamont pathway as an integral portion of the Byrne <br /> Park Preserve Pathway system. The report further notes that the <br /> existing pathway along the road is in general disrepair and the <br /> project would include upgrading the path to increase public pedestrian <br /> and equestrian access to the Byrne Park Preserve. Siegel suggested <br /> including a bicycle path as part of the project. <br /> Loy <br /> -9- 9/20/89 <br />