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followed. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To include proclamations on the Consent Calendar. <br /> 3. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> Planning Commissioner Emling reported that the following issues were discussed at <br /> the 9/27/89 Commission Meeting: 1) Lands of Collinson, variance request for a garage <br /> to remain which was constructed in the front setback - denied; 2) Lands of Ashman, <br /> request for a variance to allow for the construction of an addition and a swimming <br /> pool - denied; 3) Lands of Hansen, staff recommended levels of development at 4,000 <br /> square feet of floor area and 5,000 square feet of development area as appropriate if <br /> certain other conditions were met for the requested conditional development permit <br /> and site development permit. Regarding the Hansen application, Mr. Emling <br /> commended the staff for their excellent presentation. The Commission also discussed <br /> the issue of salary/compensation and agreed to continue with the present <br /> compensation. <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Items Removed: 4.1 (Tryon), 4.3 (applicant) and 4.4 (City Atttorney) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to approve the balance of the Consent <br /> Calendar, specifically: <br /> 4.2 Approval of Warrants: $124,845.68 (September 29, 1989) <br /> 4.5 Monthly Financial Report for August, 1989 <br /> 4.6 Certificates of Appreciation: Angie Boissevain, Environmental Design <br /> and Protection Committee; Ed Collins, Pathways Recreation and Parks <br /> Committee; and Ernest Solomon, Roads and Drainage Committee <br /> Items Removed: <br /> 4.1 Approval of Minutes: September 20, 1989 <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> 2 <br />