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Casey stated that she had been reimbursed only for the allowed amount of$35 per <br /> diem, had not charged any personal phone calls to the Town, had no additional <br /> expenses charged for her son and had nothing further to say about this matter. <br /> Tryon questioned the documentation included with the Mayor's expense report and <br /> also questioned the personal phone calls and costs of meals. van Tamelen stated she <br /> was convinced this had been an attempt on the Mayor's part to receive Town funds for <br /> inappropriate expenses. van Tamelen also did not appreciate the plea of ignorance on <br /> the Mayor's part and stated that she did not believe the Mayor was upholding the <br /> principles of the office. The Council appoints the Mayor to represent them and she did <br /> not believe Casey was representing the Council in an appropriate manner. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Tryon <br /> and passed by the following roll call vote to rescind her vote for Casey as Mayor and to <br /> direct that the office of Mayor be vacated. <br /> AYES: Siegel, Tryon and van Tamelen <br /> NOES: Casey and Johnson <br /> iiv The Acting City Attorney stated that as this item had not been on the agenda, it could <br /> either be added on as an urgency item or agendized for the next meeting. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by van Tamelen and <br /> failed by the following roll call vote to add the vacation of the office of Mayor to the <br /> agenda as an urgency item. <br /> AYES: Siegel, Tryon and vanTamelen <br /> NOES: Casey and Johnson <br /> It was noted that a four-fifths vote is required to add an item as an urgency item to the <br /> agenda. <br /> Mrs. Judy Carico, 25311 O'Keefe, asked for clarification of the Brown Act. <br /> Mrs. Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, noted that the public had not been invited <br /> to comment at the time of the vote for Mayor. <br /> October 18,1989 <br /> 11 <br />