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Mr. Les Earnest, 12769 Dianne Drive, asked why this matter was being discussed after <br /> the vote was taken. <br /> Mrs. Shari Emling, 11853 Murietta, thanked the Council for taking this action and <br /> noted that she was proud of them for stopping all of this nonsense. <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Recission of Requirement for Pathway Dedication, Lands of Carse, <br /> Taaffe Road <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed unanimously to defer this item until the full analysis of the pathway system <br /> had been completed and to allow the Carses to continue with their projects with the <br /> understanding that no release of final building deposits would occur until a decision <br /> had been reached regarding the easement requirement. <br /> 8.2 Abandonment of Fire Access and Pathway Easement, Lands of Sullivan, <br /> Adobe Lane -- Resolution # <br /> Mr. Bob Stutz, 25310 Elena Road, asked if the Roscoe pathway had been obtained and <br /> was informed that it had been. It was also noted that the reference to pathways would <br /> reflect multiuse pathways. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #122-89 declaring the intention of said <br /> Town to vacate and abandon a certain pathway easement and a certain emergency <br /> access easement under the provisions of the 'Public Streets, Highways and Service <br /> Easements Vacation Law', Section 8300, et seq., of the Streets and Highways Code of <br /> California (setting a public hearing on the proposed vacation and abandonment for <br /> Wednesday, November 15, 1989). <br /> 9. REPORTS FROM STANDING AND AD HOC COMMIT1EES <br /> Tryon inquired about the appointment of chairmen for the Standing Committees and <br /> the City Clerk noted that she would provide a list for Council. <br /> 10. STAFF REPORTS <br /> October 18, 1989 <br /> 12 <br />