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agenda, specifically the Lands of Finn. She wondered what the Commission's <br /> rationale was in recommending approval of six lots when staff had recommended <br /> five. <br /> Mr. Edward Emling, Chairman - Planning Commission, explained the configuration <br /> of the lots and commented that there was a knoll between two lots. The Commission <br /> believed they would keep the houses off the top of the knoll by making it two lots. <br /> for a mitigated (AMENDED BY <br /> Tryon asked if there was ever a staff recommendation mitigating-a/negative OCENCIL 11/1/89) <br /> declaration for a six-lot subdivision and the response was no. <br /> van Tamelen stated that she was disappointed in both the Planning Commission and <br /> the Council regarding their decisions on the Lands of Finn. The City Manager noted <br /> that the staff report that went to the Council was totally different from the one the <br /> Commission had received as there was more information available at the time of the <br /> later report. van Tamelen then commended the Commission but expressed her <br /> disappointment with Council. Tryon stated that she had not voted for Lands of Finn. <br /> She believed it should have gone back to the Commission for more review. She <br /> concurred with van Tamelen's concerns. <br /> thir <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Items Removed: 4.1 (9/6/89 and 10/4/89 minutes), 4.3,4.4. and 4.5 (Tryon);4.1 (9/12/89 <br /> minutes) and 4.2 (van Tamelen) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the balance of the Consent Calendar, specifically: <br /> 4.6 Resolution #118 approving a lease extension of thirty days with Westwind Barn <br /> 4.7 Certificate of Appreciation: Susan Bartlett Olsen — Community Relations <br /> Committee. <br /> 4.8 Actions of the Planning Commission: approved the following: <br /> 4.8.1 Lands of Forward, 10575 Blandor Way, request for a conditional <br /> development permit and site development permit for an addition to <br /> a residence <br /> 411, <br /> October 18, 1989 <br /> 4 <br />