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No action was taken by Council as no bids were received. <br /> 4.5 Contract for Repair of Miscellaneous Sanitary Sewer Facilities -- Resolution #_ <br /> Tryon had removed this item from the Consent Calendar because the report also did <br /> not include the information received on the bids. The Director of Public Works <br /> responded that this bid opening also occurred after the packets were ready for the <br /> meeting. For this project one bid had been received from Casey Construction. Their <br /> references were good and he recommended they be awarded the contract. When asked <br /> what the urgency was in this matter, the Director of Public Works responded that it <br /> was a matter of health and safety. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #120-89 awarding a contract to Casey <br /> Construction for the repair of miscellaneous sanitary sewer facilities. <br /> Items Removed by van Tamelen: <br /> liry 4.1 Approval of Minutes: September 12, 1989 <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Tryon <br /> and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 12, 1989 Council <br /> Meeting with the following correction: page 1, insert the following before the last <br /> motion: 'van Tamelen expressed displeasure with the fact that the Mayor was dealing <br /> with items not on the agenda.' <br /> 4.2 Offer of Dedication of Pathway Easements, Lands of Handley, Page Mill Road -- <br /> Resolution # <br /> van Tamelen removed this item because she wanted to emphasize the importance of <br /> these documents being recorded. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution 121-89 accepting a certain easement deed <br /> (pathway). <br /> 5. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> October 18, 1989 <br /> 6 <br />