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commented in part on the Mayor's actions, the Brown Act and the agenda process. <br /> get <br /> The City Manager commented that he had had an earlier conversation with Mrs. Dot <br /> Schreiner, Chairman of the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee, who had <br /> expressed her feelings that it was not a good night to hold a Council Meeting. A lot of <br /> people, including herself, had experienced a lot of damage and had other matters to <br /> attend to. Van Tamelen noted that the Council had discussed this and believed it was <br /> reassuring for business to go on as usual. <br /> Mrs. Judy Carico, 25311 O'Keefe Lane, commented on the following issues: 1) she <br /> thanked Tryon and van Tamelen for their help at Town Hall during the earthquake; <br /> and 2) she noted that the matter of code adherence had been continued to this <br /> meeting; however, she did not see it on the agenda. Regarding this she also <br /> commented on the legal costs involved on the Chan issue at their last Planning <br /> Commission Meeting. On the issue of code enforcement, Tryon suggested that the <br /> hiring of a code enforcement officer or a community services officer be looked into. <br /> The City Manager explained the issue with Mr. Chan. Sometime ago the Town was <br /> advised of a code violation by Mr. Chan. Rather than pursue legal options, staff met <br /> with Mr. Chan in an attempt to resolve the problem. Until quite recently staff <br /> believed this matter had been worked out; however, they were made aware that <br /> indeed the code violations had not been corrected at all. Enforcement procedures were <br /> now being undertaken. Mrs. Carico also expressed her agreement with Mr. Emling <br /> regarding the agreement with a consultant. She believed there were experts in the <br /> Town who could be consulted, such as former Planning Commissioner Art <br /> Lachenbruch, before going out and hiring people. <br /> Mr. Phil Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, commented on the issue of code enforcement and <br /> noted that on the Lands of Dean there was a gate across a path. Staff stated they would <br /> report on this matter. <br /> Mrs. Shari Emling, 11853 Murietta, noted that the Mayor was constantly criticizing staff <br /> who daily had to deal with people who wanted an exception to the Town's rules. The <br /> Mayor was eager to waive safeguards and Mrs. Emling believed the Mayor should <br /> consider stepping aside. <br /> 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 7. OLD BUSINESS <br /> October 18, 1989 <br /> 8 <br />