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2 . The Agenda for each meeting shall contain a brief general <br /> description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed <br /> and shall specify the time and location of the meeting. In addi- <br /> tion, ' the Agenda shall provide an- opportunity for any member of the <br /> public desiring to do so to directly address the Planning Commission <br /> or the Site Development Committee, as the case may be, on any items <br /> of interest that are within its jurisdiction under the agenda item <br /> entitled "Presentations From the Floor. " Nothing , contained herein <br /> shall prevent any member of the public from also addressing the <br /> Planning Commission or Site Development Committee, on any item - <br /> appearing on the Agenda for which a noticed Public Hearing is to <br /> be conducted as required either by State Law or by the provisions <br /> of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br /> 3. Any item of interest not appearing on. the Agenda but which <br /> is presented by a member of the public under "Presentations From <br /> the Floor" shall be handled inone of the following manners: <br /> (a) The item may be added to the Agenda for the meeting <br /> at which it was brought up by a member of--the---public only if - the <br /> Planning Commission' -or the Site Development Committee, determines <br /> by a two-thirds -vote (or if less than-=two-thirds -of--the member -are <br /> - present, then -by -a-un-an-imous -vote--uf-the--members. present) that the <br /> need to take--action-arose after the Agenda was posted and- the Plan <br /> ning Commission' or -the=Si&a -Development Committee;- -believes it -is <br /> necessary to take action immediately. <br /> (b) If the item is not added to the Agenda as described <br /> in (a) , then the item automatically shall be referred to the Town. <br /> Planner for investigation and placement on---a -future Agenda of the' <br /> Planning Commission or Site Development Committee, without any action. <br />