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to <br /> "R(V-1) Residental Very Low to <br /> LoW Density one acre or more /DU" , <br /> is hereby set at the .hour of 7: 30 o ' clock P.M.,,, on Wednesday, -July <br /> 27; 1977, in the Council- Chambers., Town Hall, - 26379 Fremont Road,' <br /> Los Altos Hills, California. <br /> 2 , . The Secretary of the Planning 'Commission is -ordered and <br /> directed to cause notice of the' - public hearing to be made by -post- <br /> ing in at- least three public places in .the Town, not less than <br /> ten (10) days prior to the 'day of ,hearing, a notice of public <br /> hearing. <br /> I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing-Resolution was passed <br /> and adopted at a regular meeting,'of the 'Vlarining 'Commission of the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills held on th.e .113th day of July,' 1977,. ' <br /> cretary <br />