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G. OLD BUSINESS: (continued) : <br /> Marc Kaufman, Planning Commissioner, commented on the policy regarding <br /> structures (i .e. monuments) versus rural atmosphere and noted that <br /> ordinarily this issue would be addressed by staff or Site Development. <br /> Casey commented that the wall was not out of character with the <br /> neighborhood and all of the residents in the subdivision had signed a <br /> statement agreeing to the wall . van Tamelen stated that visual <br /> openness was called for in the General Plan and it was a principle of <br /> the Town that rights-of-ways be protected. It was noted that the <br /> policy of monuments in rights-of-ways should be referred to the <br /> Planning Director and Planning Commission. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #56-88 <br /> approving and authorizing execution of an encroachment permit <br /> agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Ralph Mele, Aline <br /> Mele, Gerard and Lamber, Inc. , Robert W. Duncan, Sharon L. Seversen, <br /> Bala Manian, Tasneem Manian, Chris L. Carneghi, and Lauryn Carneghi. <br /> AYES: Mayor Tryon and Councilmembers Casey and Johnson <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Siegel and van Tamelen <br /> 2. Report on recommendation for stop signs at Arastradero and <br /> 41/ Purissima <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously to authorize Wilsey & Ham to conduct <br /> appropriate analysis of traffic and speed at the intersection of <br /> Arastradero and Purissima and to provide a report and recommendation <br /> regarding the proposal to make the intersection multi-stop, at a cost <br /> not to exceed $1 , 000. <br /> 3. Pedestrian Safety Options at Bullis School <br /> Marc Kaufman, 14100 Donelson, stated that while he thought there was a <br /> problem for children crossing for about an hour in the morning and in <br /> the afternoon, he did not think it warranted a stop sign which would <br /> be in place all the time. <br /> Ruth Buneman, Chairman - Safety Committee, noted that this matter had <br /> been discussed at their last meeting and it was noted during that <br /> meeting that three schools in Los Altos use temporary stop signs (sign <br /> weighted in a tire rim) which seemed to be a good solution. <br /> Mona Armistead, Health & Safety Chairman - Bullis PTA, commented again <br /> on the speed of the traffic and noted the cars just don' t stop at the <br /> crosswalk. Mrs . Armistead also noted that the children used the school <br /> and the grounds practically all day so it was not just an issue of <br /> brief periods of time in the morning and afternoon. <br /> L <br /> 5- 6/1/88 <br />