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City Council Minutes
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7/1/2015 4:11:21 PM
Creation date
7/1/2015 4:11:19 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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K. STAFF REPORTS: <br /> 1. City Manager: <br /> a) Clarification of Town-government sponsored groups <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to grant to the Horsemens ' <br /> Association permission to hold their meetings in the Council Chambers <br /> for a ninety day period. <br /> b) General Plan Steering Committee - decision <br /> regarding questionnaire consultant <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To appoint Tryon and Casey as members of the <br /> Council sub-committee for the General Plan Steering Committee (Survey <br /> Consultant) to work with staff to develop a request for proposals for <br /> the following options identified in the City Manager' s staff report <br /> dated 7/6/88: 1) Modify the language of the committee' s questions as <br /> necessary to improve the objectivity of the questionnaire. The Town <br /> would perform a mail questionnaire and review and evaluate the results <br /> or 2) Modify the language of the committee ' s questions as necessary to <br /> improve the objectivity of the questionnaire. The consultant would <br /> perform a mail questionnaire and review and evaluate the results and <br /> provide a report to the Town or 3) modify the language of the <br /> 11111/ committee ' s questions as necessary to improve the objectivity of the <br /> questionnaire. The consultant would perform a statistically valid <br /> phone survey and review and evaluate the results and provide a report <br /> to the Town. The sub-committee would also review and evaluate the <br /> proposals and provide a recommendation to the Council . <br /> It was further agreed that new appointments to the General Plan <br /> Steering Committee would not be made until a later date, that the <br /> General Plan Steering Committee' s joint workshop with the Council <br /> scheduled for Tuesday, July 26th would be deferred until September and <br /> that the August meeting of the Committee would be cancelled. <br /> Rosemary Meyerott, member of the General Plan Steering Committee, <br /> suggested that there not be a delay in the meeting schedule and that <br /> there not be any more appointments made to the committee as she felt <br /> there were enough members currently serving on the committee. <br /> Council commented that the committee had done quite a bit of work and <br /> at this time it seemed a good idea to coordinate the efforts of the <br /> committee and the sub-committee. <br /> c) Report on status of newsletter <br /> Tryon publicly thanked the following Town residents who donated the <br /> funds to cover the postage cost of the June Newsletter: Tom Lynch, <br /> Mike Myers and Mr. and Mrs . Lew Throop. <br /> 111100 <br /> 9- 7/6/88 <br />
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