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E. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br /> 41 1. Ordinance # amending code regarding Section 10-1 .502 <br /> (development area) and Section 10-1 .503 (floor area) (FIRST <br /> READING) (continued from last meeting) <br /> Council discussed the proposed ordinance before them concerning <br /> development area and floor area. It was agreed that there should be a <br /> broader approach to reaching the desired goals and that this was <br /> really a short term solution. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously to not approve the proposed amendments to the <br /> zoning ordinance regarding development area and floor area. <br /> 2 . LANDS OF MCCULLOCH, FILE TM #4-87, Stonebrook and Prospect, request <br /> for tentative map and negative declaration approval for a thirty- <br /> five lot subdivision - Resolution # approving tentative map for <br /> Lands of McCulloch <br /> The Mayor noted that because of the complexity of this subdivision and <br /> the new information which had just been received, if Council <br /> concurred, the public hearing would be held at this meeting and the <br /> matter would be continued to the next City Council Meeting unless <br /> Council decided to hold a special meeting on the issue. <br /> The Director of Public Works gave an overview of the 9/16/88 Planning <br /> Director' s staff report (on file at Town Hall ) . <br /> Robert Saxe, applicant' s attorney, presented a brief overview of the <br /> property and noted that with the exception of a couple of issues the <br /> applicant was in agreement with the conditions as recommended by the <br /> Planning Commission. Mr. Saxe did state that they believed the <br /> Environmental Impact Report should be certified. He commented that <br /> regarding noise they felt that mitigation measures could be tailored <br /> for each lot rather than imposing overall rigid methods (i .e. closing <br /> windows) and regarding traffic a report had been prepared by Mr. <br /> Larson and he was available to answer any questions. <br /> Regarding Condition #45, Mr. Saxe suppported not including parcels A <br /> and B in the proposed subdivision. Certificates of compliance had been <br /> issued; therefore, the Town does not need a subdivision map to now <br /> bring them into existence. The owners of the lots did not want to be <br /> included in the subdivision and Mr. Saxe asked for careful review of <br /> this condition. <br /> Mr. Warren Whaley, applicant, addressed the noise issue and referred <br /> to the report dated 9/20/88 prepared by Edward L. Pack Associates. <br /> Mr. Louis H. Larson, Traffic Engineer, referred to his report dated <br /> 9/21/88 . He did note that he did not address the traffic issue at <br /> Priscilla and Stonebrook as he did not perceive there to be one there <br /> due to the stop signs. <br /> law <br /> -4- 9/21/88 <br />