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7/1/2015 4:15:26 PM
Creation date
7/1/2015 4:15:24 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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j E. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) : <br /> Mr. Edward Willi , 24855 Prospect Avenue, commented, that in his <br /> opinion, the EIR was inadequate regarding the traffic issue. The <br /> traffic on El Monte and Stonebrook was quite backed up now and <br /> certainly would be increased with new developments being built. <br /> Mr. Jay Levinson, 11683 Dawson, commented on the emergency access road <br /> between his property and his neighbors . They had been required to <br /> improve this road and now it was used by equestrians , pedestrians , <br /> etc. To alleviate some of the problems they had incurred, they had <br /> placed a fence on the road. He foresaw some problems with this <br /> proposed subdivision specifically regarding the safety and privacy <br /> issues. It was agreed staff would investigate the placement of this <br /> fence on an emergency access road and that the City Attorney would <br /> respond on whether or not all emergency access roads were paths. <br /> Mrs. Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill , stated that emergency access <br /> roads are paths and that in Mr. Levinson' s case the paths had <br /> inadvertently been omitted from the final map and put on at a later <br /> time. <br /> Mr. Iry Kaplan, Dawson, noted that he was a neighbor of Mr . Levinson <br /> and at the time nothing was said about paths. The Fire Department <br /> advised them what improvements needed to be made to the road and the <br /> cost was $15 ,000 . He further noted that the Fire Department advised <br /> 111)11W them that the fence was permissible as long as it could be cut by the <br /> Fire Department in an emergency. <br /> Ken Pastrof , Tod Properties , asked if the City Attorney could research <br /> the liability of paths and emergency access roads . <br /> Mrs . Mary Stutz , 25310 Elena Road, commented on the neary fines used <br /> for emergency access roads . <br /> Ms. Helen St.Martin, Priscilla Lane, stated that her main concern was <br /> the traffic on Stonebrook and Priscilla. <br /> Mrs. Dot Schreiner, Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee, noted <br /> that the Council had just received revised comments from the committee <br /> on this subdivision. Mrs. Schreiner commented that the residents in <br /> the area were concerned about retaining the paths and trails in the <br /> area and she further stated that the developer, Mr. Carter, had been <br /> very cooperative regarding the path issue. <br /> Mrs . Judy Carico, 25311 O' Keefe, expressed her concerns about traffic <br /> and urged the Council to consider the traffic impact of both the <br /> McCulloch Subdivision and the Quarry Subdivision. <br /> kat <br /> -5- 9/21/88 <br />
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