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tir <br /> E. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: <br /> Commissioner Carico reported that the following public hearings were <br /> discussed at the 9/28/88 Planning Commission Meeting: 1) Lands of <br /> Varsanyi, File TM #4-88, - denied; 2) Lands of Packard, File VAR #17- <br /> 88 , - approved; 3) Lands of Lloyd, File CUP #13-88 , - continued; 4) <br /> Lands of Bennett, Sells & Valdez , File TM #2-88 , - denied and 5) Lands <br /> of Gaither, File TM #7-88 , - continued. <br /> F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br /> 1. LANDS OF MCCULLOCH, FILE TM #4-87, Stonebrook and Prospect, request <br /> for tentative map approval and certificate of adequacy of final <br /> environmental impact report for a thirty-two lot subdivision --- <br /> Resolution approving tenative map (continued from last meeting) <br /> Council had before them the staff report dated 9/29/88 from the <br /> Planning Director which included the recommendation of approval of the <br /> Lands of McCulloch project subject to certain conditions. <br /> Mayor Johnson presented some of his concerns related to this project <br /> which included the following: density, height of proposed homes , <br /> configuration of roads and noise. Concerning the issue of noise, <br /> Johnson suggested that an evaluation of the mitigation measures for <br /> IOW noise be undertaken after the kemes--err*put in and if the problem of <br /> noise is not mitigated the lots be cemov d from the subdivision. <br /> *berms and fences were (AMENDED BY COUNCIL 10/19/ ) <br /> Lee Patmore, 27650 Central Drive, noted that she was addressing the <br /> Council both as a member of the Planning Commission and as someone who <br /> has worked with noise elements of environmental impact reports for ten <br /> years . She referred to the draft environmental impact report and <br /> stated that 60 dB Ldn was a reasonable limit. Mrs. Patmore also noted <br /> that Lots 8 , 9 , 10, 11 and 12 would block some of the noise to the other <br /> lots. She recommended that this subdivision be conditioned as was the <br /> Lands of Currie to read: ' The owner shall dedicate a human habitation <br /> setback limit on the final map to follow the 60 dB Ldn noise contour <br /> line, as measured on each lot in accordance with the standards <br /> determined by the City Engineer and results found acceptable to the <br /> City Engineer. ' Mrs. Patmore stated that she did believe the <br /> environmental impact report was inadequate because it did not address <br /> satisfactorily the noise issue. <br /> Walter Gregorwich, 12370 Priscilla Lane, supported Mrs. Patmore ' s <br /> statements and referred to a report that had been done in 1974 which <br /> mentioned over 70 dB Ldn in the areas under discussion. <br /> Mr. David Poole, representing Edward L. Pack Associates , explained the <br /> impacts of different noise levels, 55-60 dB - 70-75 dB, and how <br /> certain levels can have psychological effects. Mr. Poole also <br /> addressed the mitigation measures proposed for lots 8 , 9, 10 and 11. Mr. <br /> iir Russ Carter, applicant, also addressed the noise issue with particular <br /> reference to lots 6 , 8 , 11 and 12. <br /> -4- 10/5/88 <br />