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F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) : <br /> Mr. Robert Saxe , applicant ' s attorney, noted that there were several <br /> other issues to be addressed concerning this project, such as traffic, <br /> pathways and the proposed condition that parcels A and B be a part of <br /> the subdivision. He reiterated his statements that he did not believe <br /> this condition was appropriate. <br /> Mr. Donald Dean, representing EIP Associates , stated that the proposed <br /> Quarry Project had been included in the traffic analysis done for <br /> Lands of McCulloch and the conclusion was that there was not a <br /> significant impact on traffic. If the Quarry Project was approved, <br /> there would no longer be truck traffic . They also did not recommend <br /> any improvement to the traffic signal at Stonebrook and El Monte. <br /> Mary Ellen Silver, Prospect, stated that she lived across the street <br /> from the proposed subdivision and she believed there was a real traffic <br /> problem and there should be another stop sign. Mrs . Silver noted there <br /> were bikers, joggers , pedestrians , equestrians in addition to the car <br /> traffic. Mrs. Silver asked EIP at what time they took their survey and <br /> she was advised that the survey was taken on Tuesday and Wednesday, <br /> May 19 & 20 , 1987 between 7 : 45 and 8 : 45 a.m. , noon and 1 : 00 p.m. , and <br /> 5 : 15 and 6 : 15 p.m. <br /> Maynard Stevenson, 24785 Prospect, disagreed with the recommendations <br /> from EIP Associates. He believed there should be another access <br /> possibly off Magdalena. Walter Gregorwich, 12370 Priscilla, also asked <br /> if a Magdalena access had been considered and EIP stated that it had <br /> not; all traffic had been counted coming from Stonebrook. Mr. <br /> Gregorwich also stated that drainage was a serious issue to be <br /> addressed regarding this project. <br /> Doni Hubbard, 25228 La Loma, also commented on her concerns regarding <br /> traffic. The road now was dangerous and she never thought such large <br /> projects would be approved without additional improvements to the road <br /> and stop signs. Rick Slevin, Priscilla, stated that he had lived in <br /> Town for about 1 1/2 years and the road was noisy now and would be <br /> much worse with an additional subdivision. Cindy Hettinger, Priscilla, <br /> stated that she thought the intersection at El Monte and Stonebrook <br /> needed to be improved to allow for the additional traffic . Christine <br /> Cole, 23219 Ravensbury, inquired whether the increased noise on <br /> Stonebrook had been considered as well as that on 280 from additional <br /> traffic and she was informed that it had. <br /> Dot Schreiner, Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee, referred to <br /> the modified recommendation from their committee concerning the <br /> pathways and asked for clarification of where the additional access <br /> would go on the property. Mr. Carter, applicant, noted that the access <br /> to El Monte was a possible pathway and lots 1 and 2 provided an <br /> existing potential for pathways . Mr. Carter also stated that the <br /> 411/ <br /> -5- 10/5/88 <br />