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F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) : <br /> issues raised in Mr. Nash' s (Wilsey & Ham) earlier letter on the <br /> subdivision had been addressed. Mr. Bob Stutz , Pathways Recreation and <br /> Parks Committee, pointed out that there was an existing four wheel <br /> path on the Lands of McCullough which connected to the Town-owned <br /> lands . Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill , commented that this path <br /> would give the residents a loop through the Town-owned property and it <br /> was a beautiful , rural area to enjoy. Mr. Carter, applicant, commented <br /> that this path was acceptable and that the issues of liability, <br /> maintenance, erosion, etc. were all workable matters. <br /> Denis Hollwedel , 12360 Priscilla, expressed his concern about the <br /> drainage issue and asked the Council if they were familiar with the <br /> problem and satisfied that the conditions addressed this issue. Mr. <br /> Warren Whaley, applicant' s engineer, explained that they were <br /> currently designing an interceptor on the property and the City <br /> Manager stated that all the water was being contained in the <br /> subdivision; there would be no increase of water on Priscilla. <br /> The City Attorney referred to the inclusion of parcels A and B in the <br /> subdivision. He noted that although a former city manager had issued <br /> certificates of compliance, this was not an appropriate way to create <br /> lots. The owners of these parcels could not be forced to enter into <br /> the subdivision at this time. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously to direct the City Attorney to prepare a <br /> condition stating that the owners of parcels A and B as shown on the <br /> tentative map and the developer shall enter into an agreement <br /> providing that the subdivider shall install all improvements required <br /> for the subdivision also on parcels A and B at developer' s expense, <br /> the form of which agreement shall be submitted to the Town for its <br /> review and approval prior to filing of the final map and upon approval <br /> of the improvement agreement, parcels A and B may be eliminated from <br /> the final map. <br /> Casey commented on the emergency access road and stated she did not <br /> believe this should be a pathway. She referred to the comments made by <br /> Mr. Jay Levinson and Mr. Iry Kaplan, both of Dawson Drive, at the <br /> 9/21/88 Council Meeting on the history of this emergency access <br /> road/path between their properties. Casey supported their statements <br /> that this path did not connect anywhere and was an intrusion on their <br /> privacy. In addition they stated that they had paid for the <br /> improvements to the emergency access road but had had no knowledge <br /> that it was also to be a pathway. <br /> -6- 10/5/88 <br />