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C. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br /> Commissioner Patmore referred to the letter written by the Commission <br /> requesting additional information on the Quarry Hills Project and <br /> asked that Council add this request as an urgency item to their <br /> agenda. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Johnson <br /> and passed unanimously by all members present to add consideration of <br /> the request from the Planning Commission for additional information on <br /> the Quarry Hills Project to the agenda as an urgency item, noting that <br /> this matter was brought forth and needed action after the Council <br /> agenda had been prepared. <br /> D. PUBLIC HEARINGS : <br /> 1. Protest Hearing for the proposed San Antonio Hills (West) Annexa- <br /> tion (continued from the 9/7/88 City Council. Meeting) <br /> Council had before them the City Manager ' s report dated 11/2/88 which <br /> noted that as of 10/27/88 the Town had received 434 protests. In <br /> February 1988 there were 591 registered voters in the area under <br /> discussion for annexation. Therefore, 296 valid protests would be <br /> required to stop the annexation. <br /> 41111W Mr. Matthew Ives , 24040 Spaulding, presented additional protests to <br /> the City Clerk and expressed his concerns that this whole issue could <br /> be brought up again in a relatively short period of time. He and <br /> others who were against the annexation had spent a lot of their time <br /> on the subject. <br /> Mr. Edward Seaman, 11519 Arroyo Oaks , thanked the Council and the <br /> previous Councij.members for their professional attention to this <br /> issue. He hoped that someday the annexation would take place. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously by all members present to direct the City Clerk <br /> to request the Registrar of Voters to determine the number of valid <br /> protests from registered voters. The City Council should further <br /> direct the City Clerk that if the number of valid protests from <br /> registered voters is less than 25% of the totalnumber of registered <br /> voters in the annexation territory, then the City Clerk should request <br /> the County Assessor to determine the number of valid protests from <br /> landowners and what percentage of assessed value of land in the <br /> annexation territory is owned by the protesters . <br /> -2- 11/2/88 <br />