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D. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) : <br /> thir <br /> 2. LANDS OF PINEWOOD SCHOOL, Fremont Road, appeal of Planning <br /> Commission' s approval of the annual review of the conditional <br /> use permit <br /> Council had before them the Planning Director ' s staff report dated <br /> 10/28/88 which included the following staff recommendation: Condition <br /> #8 of the Conditional Use Permit for Pinewood School be revised to <br /> read as follows: ' The school grounds shall remain open to the general <br /> public during hours of school operation, with all surrounding <br /> pedestrian gates remaining unlocked during those hours. The pedestrian <br /> gates will be opened when vehicular gates are opened in the morning, <br /> and locked when the vehicular gates are locked at the end of the <br /> school day. ' <br /> Planning Commissioner Jones had appealed the Commission' s approval of <br /> the conditional use permit for Pinewood School because the present <br /> procedures at the school were not in conformance with the approved <br /> conditions . Specifically he questioned the current condition which <br /> read: 'The school grounds shall remain open to the generalpublic <br /> during daylight hours , with all surrounding pedstrian gates remaining <br /> unlocked. The pedestrian gates will be open when vehicular gates are <br /> opened in the morning. ' <br /> The staff report noted that the current practice was for the school to <br /> 11111/ unlock the pedestrian gates when the main gate to the school was <br /> opened in the morning, to lock the gates when the school was closed <br /> and to lock the main gate after school . The gates were not open on <br /> weekends. <br /> Commmissioner Jones stated that he had checked other schools in the <br /> area and none of them had a fence around their property. He believed <br /> the current condition concerning access to Pinewood Schoolshould <br /> remain in place and should be enforced. Commissioner Jones stated this <br /> would be consistent with the Town' s General. Plan. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Victor Riches, Pinewood School , addressed the Council <br /> with their concerns about this condition. A brief history of the <br /> school was presented which included the statement that it was private <br /> property and there was no access to the property without the owners ' <br /> permission. Over the years there had been situations of vandalism and <br /> public nuisance problems when the access to the school had not been <br /> controlled. It was a family run school with many students whose <br /> families lived in Los Altos Hills and they did want to cooperate fully <br /> with the Town. Severalof the neighbors had expressed their opposition <br /> to the re-opening of the gates. In addition to requesting that condition <br /> #8 of their conditional use permit be rescinded because it was <br /> impractical , unfair and costly, Mr. Riches also asked that their <br /> -9- 11/2/88 <br />