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41111, D. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) : <br /> conditionaluse permit not be reviewed annually as it was an <br /> unnecessary burden on them. In conclusion, Mr. Riches presented a <br /> letter to the Council concerning Commissioner Jones ' appeal of their <br /> conditional use permit and his recent contacts with the school . The <br /> final paragraph of the letter submitted by Mr. Riches stated: ' I <br /> submit that his (Commissioner Jones) actions and his attitudes are not <br /> representative of our elected members of the Council , nor of our <br /> appointed city staff, nor of other members of the Planning Commission. <br /> I (Victor Riches) request that his (Jones) appointment to the <br /> commission be rescinded. ' <br /> Ms. Jeanne Hahn, 26625 Ascension Drive (by letter) ; Ms. Martina Cren, <br /> 26685 St. Francis Drive and Mr. George Hayes , 26735 St. Francis <br /> expressed their opposition to the re-opening of the gates at Pinewood <br /> School . <br /> Commissioner Judy Carico stated that she agreed with Commissioner <br /> Jones . The Riches have always known that the path on their property is <br /> part of the Master Path Plan of the Town. Mrs. Shari Emling, 11853 <br /> Murietta, commented on the importance of an annual review of the <br /> conditional use permit for Pinewood. Mrs . Jean Struthers , 13690 <br /> Robleda, commented that four gates allowed people to go through the <br /> school ' s property. The gates were unlocked when an employee of the <br /> school was on the premises and at other times there was a path that <br /> went around the property for people to use. <br /> Casey stated that she believed conditon #8 should be deleted because <br /> there were alternatives for pathway access . She also believed the <br /> review of the conditionaluse permit should be consistent with the <br /> policy for other schools which was a review every two years. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed by the following roll call to deny the appeal of the <br /> Planning Commission' s approval of the annualreview of the conditional. <br /> use permit and to revise condition #8 to read as follows: ' The school <br /> grounds shall remain open to the general public during hours of school. <br /> operation, with all surrounding pedestrian gates remaining unlocked <br /> during those hours . The pedestrian gates will be opened when vehicular <br /> gates are opened in the morning, and locked when the vehicular gates <br /> are locked at the end of the school day. ' <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilembers Siegel , Tryon and van Tamelen <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Casey <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To agendize the discussion of Pinewood School ' s <br /> annual review of their conditional use permit for the 11/10/88 meeting <br /> of the City Council . <br /> -q- 11/2/88 <br />