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11/16/1988 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
11/16/1988 (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/1/2015 4:25:44 PM
Creation date
7/1/2015 4:25:42 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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E. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) : <br /> L <br /> Anthony Lagorio, applicant' s attorney, commented on the history of the <br /> project and stated that his client had acted on a permit issued by the <br /> Town and had spent a considerable amount of money in completing it. <br /> Mr. Lagorio further commented that the patio under discussion was not <br /> in a visible area and if it were torn out the large oak would be lost. <br /> Mr. Aymerich, applicant, commented on several issues related to this <br /> appeal . One concern of his neighbors was drainage and Mr. Aymerich <br /> stated that the drainwater went directly to Matadero Creek. He also <br /> noted that as it happened his neighbors had a structure to obscure <br /> their garbage cans in the setback and he had not complained about it <br /> although it was directly in his line of sight. Regarding the cost to <br /> remove the patio, Mr . Aymerich listed what would need to be done and <br /> stated his belief that it would cost a lot more than the $200 <br /> mentioned in the staff report. <br /> Mrs. Linda Kramer , 27800 Edgerton Road, stated that they had lived in <br /> their home for ten years and she had notified Mr. Aymerich that he was <br /> in the setback even before he poured the concrete . She stated her <br /> concerns about drainage and the visual impact on her property and also <br /> referred to the possible detrimental impact on their property value. <br /> Jean Combs , 27790 Edgerton, commented that this entire issue was <br /> really a neighborhood feud and she believed someone should begin to be <br /> 111111/ fair with the Aymerichs. Ms. Coombs noted that in fact the Kramers had <br /> a hedge, light and mailbox on their driveway and this situation had <br /> never been corrected . <br /> Dr. Kramer , 27800 Edgerton Road, presented a brief history of his <br /> conversations with Mr. Aymerich concerning the patio. Dr . Kramer also <br /> expressed his concerns regarding the possible invasion of his privacy <br /> and he was asking the Council for a reasonable compromise. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to grant a variance for the Lands of Aymerich for a <br /> patio constructed in the setback based on the findings for a variance, <br /> contingent upon the review by the Site Development Committee of the <br /> plans submitted by the applicant addressing drainage , privacy, <br /> plantings and the installation of a fence. Regarding the requirement <br /> that the applicant install a fence with appropriate plantings it was <br /> further stated that the choice of fence materials would be agreed to <br /> by the Kramers. <br /> 3 . LANDS OF GAITHER, FILE TM #7-88 , Moody Road, request for approval <br /> of tentative map and negative declaration for a three lot sub- <br /> division -- Resolution approving tentative map <br /> Imr <br /> -5- 11/16/88 <br />
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