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�,. E. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) : <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed unanimously to amend conditions 2 , 3a, 3b and 4 to read as <br /> follows : 2) The applicant shall dedicate a ten foot (10 ' ) wide <br /> meandering path easerent for a five foot (5 ' ) path from the Lands of <br /> the Town of Los Altos Hills to Francemont Avenue. One of two <br /> alternative routes shall be acceptable. Alternative 1 will require <br /> applicant to construct an equestrian bridge crossing Adobe Creek, a <br /> native path, steps which ramp up to Moody Road, and a Type IIB path <br /> (or equal) along Moody Road including a guard rail , if necessary. <br /> Alternative 2 will follow a route along the southerly boundary of Lot <br /> 1, over the Lans of McClerry, and along the toe of the hills of Lots 1 <br /> and 2 to Francemont Avenue (contour 4251 ) . Approval of the final map <br /> shall be conditioned upon the satisfactory recommendation of the Town <br /> Engineer and the Pathways , Recreation and Parks Committee , and , as <br /> required, a path easement dedication from McClerry. 3) The applicant <br /> shall dedicate a path easement from Moody Road over the bridge and <br /> along the westerly side of Francemont Avenue to the end of the bulb <br /> and install a Type IIB path with header boards south of the bridge <br /> over this approximately 375 feet. The path easement shall continue <br /> over the road to the 575 foot contour turning westerly with a ten foot <br /> (10 ' ) wide path easement to the property line between the 575 and 600 <br /> foot contours . A native path shall be constructed within this <br /> lbw and <br /> 100 feet to the satisfaction of the Pathways , Recreation <br /> and Parks Committee and Town Staff. (Note: This 100 foot segment is to <br /> access the paths in the Lands of Bellucci . ) 4) If Lot #3 above the <br /> 700 ' contour is not developed, the applicant shall dedicate a 10 foot <br /> wide meandering path easement over the existing driveway cut between <br /> the 575 and 700 foot contours and thence up the ridge to Wind Mill <br /> Meadow of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. If this lot <br /> is developed, the applicant shall dedicate a path easement over the <br /> driveway and shall construct a native , five foot (5 ' ) path within a <br /> ten foot (10 ' ) wide meandering path easement around the building site <br /> to the ridge top to the satisfaction of the Pathways , Recreation and <br /> Parks Committee and the Town' s Engineering Staff. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Siegel <br /> and passed unanimously to amend condition #7 to read as follows : ' The <br /> applicant shall dedicate a conservation easement along Adobe Creek as <br /> shown on the tentative map twenty-five feet (25 ' ) from the top of the <br /> bank to the edge of Moody Road. The Final Mpa shall reflect this <br /> easement. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend condition #8 to read: ' All lots shall be <br /> connected to the Los Altos Sewer District sanitary sewer. ' <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend the last sentence of condition #18 to <br /> read: ' The bridge shall contain adequate pedestrian/equestrian <br /> crossing to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Pathways , <br /> Recreation and Parks Committee. <br /> -7- 11/16/88 <br />