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Town Land Use Voting Policy (continued) <br /> Judy Zurbriggen, 11800 Murietta Lane, concurred with Mrs. Emling ' s <br /> comments and also stated the 300 ' figure was arbitrary and would be <br /> challenged. <br /> Judy Carico, 25311 O' Keefe Lane, asked if the proposed policy would <br /> hold up legally and the City Attorney stated that if the policy was in <br /> place the courts would have to respect it. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by Plummer and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #19-87 es- <br /> tablishing a policy concerning voting on land use matters <br /> AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilmembers Plummer and Siegel <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Tryon <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: Councilmember Dronkert <br /> Dronkert stated that the fear of litigation had nothing to do with the <br /> actions of the Council . She further stated that she would prefer that <br /> Councilmembers and Commissioners acted prudently and used good <br /> judgement; therefore, she abstained. van Tamelen stated that this ac- <br /> tion was not related to one person or one issue, nor was it intended <br /> to replace State Law. It was an additional policy adopted by the <br /> Town. Plummer commented that this had been a difficult issue and he <br /> hoped that now everyone could resolve their differences and continue <br /> on with the Town' s business. Tryon reiterated her statement that she <br /> was uncomfortable with establishing a geographical distance related to <br /> conflict of interest. <br /> H. NEW BUSINESS: <br /> 1. Request from Spanish Terrace Joint Venture (11676 Dawson Drive) for <br /> reinstatement of maximum development area for the property which <br /> was in effect prior to the adoption of Ordinance #300. Request for <br /> variance withdrawn. <br /> ' Bobbie Dolton, realtor and owner of property at 11676 Dawson Drive, <br /> addressed the Council concerning the recently completed construction <br /> of the home on 11676 Dawson Drive. Mrs . Dolton noted that during con- <br /> struction they had carefully retained approximately 900 square feet of <br /> development area so that the future owners would have some leeway in <br /> future development of the property. Recently she was advised that due <br /> to ordinance changes, this property no longer had the additional de- <br /> velopment area and she was requesting reinstatement. Mrs. Dolton fur- <br /> ther commented that she had not be advised of the change in ordinances <br /> which would affect her property. <br /> Sir <br /> -4- 3/18/87 <br />