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NEW BUSINESS: Item 1 (continued) <br /> Dronkert noted that there had been quite a bit of news coverage con- <br /> cerning the Town' s new ordinances and the City Planner commented that <br /> she had spoken on the subject to the Board of Realtors and it was her <br /> recollection that Mrs . Dolton had been present at that time. Council <br /> stated that they did not have the authority to reinstate the develop- <br /> ment area but the variance procedure was an option for any future <br /> owners and Mrs . Dolton should so advise them. <br /> 2 . Request from Fred Carnes, 14090 Tracy Court, for waiver of the <br /> $375 . 00 zoning and site development fees for his application to <br /> construct berms, walls and landscaping along the front of the lot <br /> Council had before them a request for waiver of fees from Mr . Carnes <br /> who cited time delays and accumulated fees paid as his reasons for the <br /> request. <br /> The Town Planner ' s staff report dated 3/12/87 noted that Mr. Carnes <br /> had been charged the same fees as any other resident would be charged <br /> in order to make the improvements he proposed, except in the case of <br /> the fire-destroyed residence for which planning fees and permits were <br /> waived. The staff did not classify the request as ' minor ' and did not <br /> recommend a fee waiver. <br /> Council commented that the fees were intended to cover the Town' s <br /> costs in processing an application and Dronkert stated that it was im- <br /> portant to be consistent in only granting reductions or waivers of <br /> fees for minor projects. <br /> Tryon suggested that the Planning Commission ' s work program be <br /> modified to put the minor variance ordinance project higher up on the <br /> priority list. It was agreed that consideration of the work program <br /> would be placed on the next agenda. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To deny the request from Mr. Carnes , 14090 Tracy <br /> Court, for a waiver of the $375. 00 zoning and site development fees <br /> for his application to construct berms , walls and landscaping along <br /> the front of the lot. <br /> 3 . Request from neighbors of Foothill College for Council considera- <br /> tion of additional recreational facilities at the college <br /> Kenneth L. Schroeder, Member - Steering Committee, Neighbors for a <br /> Quality Athletic Complex at Foothill College, addressed the Council on <br /> behalf of their committee which numbered approximately 86 neighbors of <br /> Foothill College. In particular their concerns were: 1) impact on <br /> students, neighbors and community; 2) excessive favoritism to Hewlett <br /> Packard by Foothill College; and 3) short cuts in the environmental <br /> -5- 3/18/87 <br />