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K. STAFF REPORTS: CITY ATTORNEY (continued) : <br /> b) Golden Gate Bridge - Birthday Celebration <br /> The Council commended the City Attorney for participating in the walk <br /> across the Golden Gate Bridge in celebration of its birthday. <br /> 3. City Clerk: Report on Council Correspondence dated 5/29/87 <br /> 4. Council Business: <br /> a) Mayor <br /> 1) Installation of traffic signal at Magdalena and <br /> and Summerhill , request by County for cost sharing <br /> participation <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by Dronkert and <br /> passed unanimously to add the above referenced item to the agenda as <br /> an urgency matter. <br /> Tryon reported that she had received additional information from the <br /> County on the reasoning behind the installation of this traffic signal <br /> at Magdalena and Summerhill . There had been many serious accidents at <br />' this intersection and it was becoming more and more difficult for <br /> people to come out of Summerhill . The project had been approved by the <br /> County and was scheduled to go to bid in the near future with <br /> construction to begin in July. Tryon also noted that the maintenance <br /> of the signal would be taken care of by the County. <br /> van Tamelen commented that the Town was being asked to participate in <br /> a project over which it would have no control . van Tamelen further <br /> noted that she still did not see the need for a traffic signal at that <br /> interesection. <br /> Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena, noted that five or six years ago quite a bit <br /> of support had been expressed for a traffic signal at Magdalena and <br /> Summerhill . <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dronkert and <br /> passed unanimously to enter into an agreement with the County to <br /> participate in the construction cost (Town ' s share to be one sixth of <br /> total cost of project, with Town' s participation not to exceed <br /> $13 , 000) for traffic signal at the intersection of Summerhill and <br /> Magdalena. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van <br /> Tamelen and passed unanimously to authorize an encroachment permit for <br /> construction of that portion of the work for the traffic signal that <br /> will take place within the Town limits. <br /> 8- 6/3/87 <br />