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how G. OLD BUSINESS: (continued) : <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously to direct the City Manager to prepare a report <br /> on the installation of flashing yellow lights and proper signing at <br /> Fremont Pines; the report to include cost, timeframe, etc. and to be <br /> brought back to the Council at the earliest possible meeting. In <br /> addition, the Bullis School PTA should be advised of this Council <br /> action, notified of any future meetings, asked for any comments they <br /> may have on the subject, and invited to attend the Council meeting at <br /> which the matter will be discussed. <br /> 3 . Request for additional stop sign at Fremont and Concepcion <br /> Council had before them the City Manager ' s staff report dated 6/12/87 <br /> which included the recommendation that if the entrance to Town Hall <br /> had not been relocated and a four way stop had not been approved for <br /> Fremont and Manuella, then a three-way stop should be created at <br /> Fremont and Concepcion. Council discussed the option of deferring a <br /> decision on this matter until a report was forthcoming from the <br /> subcommittee formed to evaluate the relocation of the Town Hall <br /> entrance. However, it was determined that the possible relocation of <br /> 1 Town Hall entrance would not impact an additional stop sign at Fremont <br /> and Concepcion. <br /> ' MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Siegel and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the installation of a three way stop at <br /> the Fremont/Concepcion intersection as outlined in the 6/12/87 City <br /> Manager ' s staff report (on file at Town Hall) . <br /> 4 . Draft Housing Element <br /> It was noted that the subcommittee on the Draft Housing Element <br /> (Siegel , van Tamelen and Planning Commissioner Jean Struthers) had met <br /> and reviewed the Draft Housing Element. <br /> The City Attorney reported that the document should not be sent to the <br /> State before it had been scheduled for public hearing before the <br /> Council . After the public hearing and the tentative adoption by the <br /> Council , the Draft Housing Element would then be sent to the State <br /> with Council comments . After review by the State, they would then <br /> return it to the Council with their comments and the Council at that <br /> time will be required to hold another public hearing on the matter. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Siegel and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #56-87 setting the time and <br /> place of public hearing on the proposed revised Housing Element to the <br /> General Plan and of preparation of negative declaration. <br /> L <br /> -5- 6/17/87 <br />