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I . OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> 1. Reports from Standing Committees: <br /> a) Environmental Design and Protection Committee: <br /> minutes of 5/11/87 meeting -- request that Council <br /> draft a letter to Caltrans requesting it complete <br /> the landscaping in the IS280/E1 Monte/Stonebrook <br /> area <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct staff to request information from <br /> Caltrans on any plans they had for landscaping the IS280/E1 <br /> Monte/Stonebrook area and report back to Council at the second meeting <br /> in July. <br /> J. STAFF REPORTS: <br /> 1 . City Manager: <br /> a) Review of Improvement Plans - Lands of Currie Sub- <br /> division - 25545 O' Keefe Lane - FILE TM #3-86 <br /> The City Manager referred to his staff report dated 6/12/87 which <br /> noted that the subdivision of the Lands of Currie was pending subject <br /> to acceptance by the Town of the subdivision improvement plans. Staff <br /> had met with the applicants and the area of particular concern <br /> appeared to be the condition stipulating that a certain portion of <br /> O' Keefe be widened and the Town policy that significant trees (the <br /> large oak immediately adjacent to the area of O' Keefe under <br /> discussion) be protected from subdivision improvements. The <br /> applicants were stating practical and financial hardships unless they <br /> could remove the oak tree. <br /> Mr. Malek, Ace Consulting Engineers and representative of the <br /> applicant, referred to the letter dated 6/12/87 which had been <br /> submitted to the Council by Mr. Mohammadian. The letter outlined the <br /> reasons the applicant was requesting removal of the oak tree and <br />' further included the request that Council set a time limit for the <br /> staff to review and approve this project. The letter also included a <br /> cost estimate for certain portions of the project. Mr. Malek reviewed <br /> the options for placement of the sewer line and noted that the oak <br /> tree under discussion could be saved but it would be quite expensive <br /> and there were no guarantees that it would live. <br /> Judith Carico, 25311 O ' Keefe, noted that the area had a rural beauty <br /> and she was not in favor of the road being widened or the removal of <br /> the tree. <br /> -7- 6/17/87 <br />