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POLICE PROTECTION STUDY SESSION (continued) <br /> Robert Johnson, member - Safety Committee, stated that he would bring <br /> the Council ' s comments back to the Safety Committee and would request <br /> any recommendations/suggestions , etc. by the Safety Committee be <br /> transmitted to the Council for their information. <br /> agreement <br /> Council reiterated their concerns that a--4.4,10,aps—debd-s.44,p on their <br /> part should be clear before a potential change from the County <br /> providing police services was pursued.**As this xnatrrmitr*was not *agreement <br /> present the Council agreed that additional input was needed from the <br /> residents on this subject. It was agreed that a questionnaire would be <br /> prepared and mailed to all residents. Mayor Tryon would work with <br /> Councilmember van Tamelen on a draft. The City Manager would also <br /> review and comment on the proposed questionnaire and it would be <br /> mailed only after all Councilmembers had agreed on the format. It was <br /> further agreed that the Mayor would send a letter to the City Manager <br /> of Los Altos expressing the Council ' s appreciation for the time and <br /> effort they had put into their proposal for police services for the <br /> Town. The letter would also note that since unanimmrty* on this issue*agree- <br /> had not been reached additional input was being requested from the ment <br /> residents on their needs , concerns, etc. At a later time when more <br /> information was available the Council would contact Los Altos . <br /> (PARAGRAPH TWO AMENDED BY COUNCIL 8/19/87) <br /> ADJOURNMENT: <br /> There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City <br /> Council adjourned at 5 : 30 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Patricia Dowd, City Clerk <br /> ** Dronkert, Siegel and van Tamelen were in favor of authorizing the City Manager to <br /> proceed to negotiate a contract with Los Altos but since there was only a simple <br /> majority in favor of the position no notion was adopted. (AMENDED BY COUNCII, 8/19/87) <br /> -2- 7/16/87 <br />