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K. STAFF REPORTS (continued) : <br /> lbw MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Plummer, seconded by Siegel and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to ask the Mayor to prepare a <br /> letter for signature by any or all of the Councilmembers stating that <br /> the letter in the Town Crier prepared by Mr. Gaither is misleading and <br /> advising the residents that the statement that the initiative would <br /> not break the one acre minimum zoning is incorrect and to encourage <br /> residents to contact Town Hall for additional information. <br /> AYES: Mayor Tryon and Councilmembers Plummer and Siegel <br /> NOES: Councilmember Dronkert <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember van Tamelen <br /> Dronkert stated that she thought sending the letter was appropriate; <br /> however, she did have concerns about a letter signed by all of the <br /> Council . <br /> 3 . City Clerk: <br /> a) Report on Council Correspondence dated 11/25/87 <br /> It was agreed that the Santa Clara Valley Water District would be <br /> advised that the Council had proclaimed 'Winter Storm Preparedness <br /> Week' at their last meeting. <br /> b) Status Report on General Plan Steering Committee <br /> Membership (verbal report) <br /> The City Clerk reported that as of 12/2/87 the following had agreed to <br /> serve on the General Plan Steering Committee: Andrew Allison, Bill <br /> Perkins, Doni Hubbard, Nancy Bavor, Ruth Buneman, Lew Throop, Ed <br /> Seaman, Marty Wank and Alma Wood. Of those listed, three indicated <br /> that their total commitment would depend on when the meetings of the <br /> committee were held due to prior scheduled obligations. <br /> The City Council agreed to agendize this matter for a future Council <br /> meeting when additional names had been received for appointment to the <br /> committee. <br /> 4 . Council Business: <br /> a) Mayor <br /> 1) Appointment of alternate to the <br /> Intergovernmental Council ( IGC) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by Dronkert and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to appoint Mayor Tryon as the <br /> Town' s alternate to the Intergovernmental Council . <br /> 41/ <br /> -7- 12/2/87 <br />