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06/18/1986 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
06/18/1986 (2)
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Reglar Meeting Minutes
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CITY ODUNCIL MIN[A'F<S - June 18, 1986 <br />E. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br />(( <br />�r <br />1. LANDS OF LITnlUER, 27305 Deer Springs, request for a special land use <br />permit to allow for an addition having a height in excess of fifteen feet <br />The Staff Planner referred to her 6/12186 staff report which noted that the Site <br />Development C mmittee reamuended approval of a special land use permit for the <br />above referenced application based on the project's conformance with the guidelines <br />for Ordinance #300 with the exception of guideline #3 (maximum development area). <br />The Ca ttee further noted, hu«ever, that the design of the house blended excep - <br />tionally well with its surroundings and the neighborhood and met the objectives of <br />the General Plan and the Site Development Ordinance. <br />Mr. Littauer, applicant, explained that the proposed addition was actually only <br />400 square feet and also noted that their home had been included in a booklet as <br />an example of how a home should be sited on a lot. Mr. Littauer requested Council's <br />approval of his application. <br />van Tamelen mmended Mr. Littauer on the proposed project and Dronkert oortrented <br />that this was the third here Council had reviewed recently where the design was <br />excellent but still did not conform to the actual numbers used for development <br />formulas. <br />M TION SECDMED AND CAHI2'D;•D: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dronkert and passed unani- <br />mously to grant a special land use permit for the Sands of Littauer based on the <br />Project's substantial conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #300. <br />F. <br />DID BUSINESS: <br />1. Request from Dr. Chen, 26879 Taaffe Iniad, for an encroachment permit for a <br />brick sidewalk (considered at 5/21/86 Council meeting - reconsideration <br />requested by applicant) <br />This item was continued to the July 2, 1986 meeting at the request of the applicant. <br />2. Resolution # awarding a contract for the El Monte Iniad median guardrail <br />Project <br />The City Engineer referred to his staff report dated 6/12/86 which noted that <br />tvn bids had been received for this project, with the lowest bid being $45,000 <br />including contingencies. The am�unit allocated by Council in the 1985-86 budget <br />was $20,000. The City Engineer's reocnmerdation was that Council defer the <br />decision to award a contract until other options for the E1 Monte median path were <br />properly investigated. <br />van Tamelen requested cost figures for the other options and Dronkert stated that <br />she was strongly against keeping the chain link fence. Tryon suggested contacting <br />the Safety and Enviromnamal Design and Protection Committee for their counents <br />on this project now that the information was available on the cost involved. Tryon <br />also suggested the Pathways Committee be contacted and Mrs. Stutz, Chairman of the <br />Pathways Committee, was present to make moments. <br />j <br />Mrs. Stutz, Chairman - Pathways Ommittee, cortnnnted that with the closing of Ford <br />�r <br />Country Day School, <br />it appeared that most of the users were from Foothill College. <br />She thought it was particularly a question of safety if the fencing were removed. <br />-3- <br />
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