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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 18, 1986 <br />G. NEW BUSU SS: Item 1 Lands of Keenan (continued): <br />Alan Coons, applicant's designer, gave the following reasons for the wall: <br />1) visual element connecting the wall to the house; 2) structural element; <br />and 3) safety element - wall will serve as a fire break. Mr. Coons further <br />comiented that there were plans to mitigate the wall with landscaping. <br />Mrs. Keenan, applicant, explained their reasons for the siting of the house; <br />they wanted it to blend with the surroundings in the corner rather than build <br />it on the ridge line as originally approved. Mrs. Keenan further co; en ted <br />that the stop cork notice on the wall was causing financial delays for the <br />entire project and she hoped it could be resolved in a timely manner. <br />M ITION SDroNDID AMID CAIUUM: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to approve the following interpretation of Ordinance <br />9-5.503(c), fence and wall height regulation: Section 9-5.503(c) is not applicable <br />to the wall on the Lands of Keenan based on the following findings: 1) The intent <br />of the wall and fence ordinance (Section 9-5.503.(c)), is to prohibit fences <br />which run parallel to the roadway from blocking scenic and open vistas along the <br />roadway. This wall, as modified into an archway, will not block scenic vistas and <br />runs perpendicular to the roadway. and 2) The wall and fence ordinance was not <br />designed to regulate fences and walls which are located below the road level, as is <br />the proposed. For this reason, the ordinance does net apply to the subject wall. <br />AYES: Mayor Fuhnnan and Counc+lmanbers Dronkert, Tryon and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Mayor Pro Ten Rydell <br />Tryon stated for the record that this interpretation of Ordinance 9-5.503(c) was <br />not precedent setting as the application from the Lards of Keenan had previously <br />received approval from the Site DMl � ttee. Tryon stated that she fully <br />supported the actions of the Buil 'long OnLtmx�iGreCtal In �ssFu�inZaYa s 77 86)ce on this <br />M%7TION SFXI7MIDID At37 CARRIED: Moved by RyBei�, seconded byEFU�n and passed unani- <br />mously to direct staff to remove the stop work notice frau the Lards of Keenan. <br />2. Resolution # amending the Town Budget for fiscal year 1985-86 <br />The City Manager noted that the 1985-86 budget needed to be amended to allow for <br />the Viscaino Court Reconstruction Project and the Fremont Iniad S -Curve Project. <br />The Viscaino Court Project had been discussed earlier in the meeting. The Fremont <br />Road S -Curve Project required an amendment as the bid exceeded the budgeted amount <br />and staff had not budgeted land acquisition costs. This anerdment increased the <br />appropriation frau $292,000 to $313,185. <br />MOTION SEODWID AMID CARRIID: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution #90-86 amending the Town Budget for fiscal year <br />1985-86 <br />H. OTHER BUSINESS: <br />1. Reports from Standing Canv ittees: <br />a) Roads aro] Drainage <br />Chairman William Downey reported that Mr. Argall had moved cut of Town so there <br />was a vacancy on the Roads and Drainage Cw ttee. He further noted that they had <br />often changed their regular meeting time of the third Thursday of the month in order <br />*n meet in a timely manner to report on projects for Site Development. <br />-5- <br />