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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 2, 1986 <br />E. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued): <br />\r 4. LANDS OF EEMBERG, File 7M #12-84, Taaffe Iniad, request for approval of <br />negative declaration and tentative map <br />MYrICN SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon and passed <br />uanimously by all medlers present to approve the negative declaration for the <br />Lands of Elmberg on Taaffe Read. <br />Council discussed the proposed tentative map with particular emphasis on the <br />size of the pmposed lots. It was noted that future development particularly <br />of lots three and four would be constrained by factors other than zoning ordinance <br />limitations The Staff Planner cemented that the applicant had stated that <br />she wanted to build a modest home on lot three and would prefer to see a small <br />home on lot four. The applicant was aware of future limitations. <br />Council requested that for purposes of clarification, applicants be asked to put <br />LUFs (lot unit factors) on the project maps. <br />MOTILIN SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Tryon and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution 94-86 approving the tentative <br />subdivision map for the Lands of Elmberg. <br />van Tamelen (AMENDED BY COUNCIL <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Rydell and Councilmenbers Brsnke3#E and Tryon 7/16/86) <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Mayor Fuhrman <br />PRESENT: Councilmember Dmnkert <br />5. Distribution of 1986-87 Revenue Sharing Monies <br />The City Manager noted that the resolution before Council allocated the Town's <br />total revenue sharing monies to the Oonmun.ity Health Abuse Council for the sum <br />of $2,091 and to the Camunity Services Agency for the sum of $2,000. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to adopt Resolution 495-86 appropriating <br />revenue sharing monies for the fiscal year 1986-87. <br />6. 1986-87 Budget <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To agendize for the first meeting in August a discussion <br />of the 5 -year Capital Inprovenent Budget. <br />The City Manager referred to his 6127/86 staff report which noted the modifications <br />made to the proposed budget based on the Council's mmmnts at the 6/25/86 study <br />session. An additional item which was not included in the budget before the <br />Council was an additional expenditure of $3,610 to the Corporation Yard Maintenance <br />Program for a fence along the Town's corporation yard to screen the portion of <br />the yard used for storage of equipment. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimm,sly by all members present to adopt Resolution #96-86 adopting the budget <br />for the fiscal year 1986-87 with the addition of $3,610 for the fence and the <br />correction of an additional $71 to the General Fund (Camunnity Service Program) to <br />reflect the request from Camminity Services Agency for VANIRANS support. <br />-4- <br />
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