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City Council Minutes
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7/20/2015 2:58:46 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MIN= - July 2, 1986 <br />%W 1. Request from Dr. Chen, 26879 Taaffe Road, for an encroachment permit for <br />a brick sidewalk (considered at 5/21/86 Council meeting - reconsideration <br />requested by applicant - continued from last meeting) <br />Dr. Chen, applicant, referred to his letter dated 6/1/86 (on file at Tuan Hall) <br />which included anapology for any previous misunderstanding concerning their <br />sidewalk and which stated various steps they would take to correct the situation. <br />MOTION SEDOMIDID AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to direct the City Attorney to prepare an encroach <br />ment permit for the Lands of Chen stating the following conditions: applicant <br />will break up the bricks and cement concrete from the lower level of steps to <br />the lige of the street, and will remove the rubble from the premises; applicant <br />will fill in the area with top soil so that the horizontal contour will be con- <br />tinuous and consistent with the main portion of the lawn on each side of the <br />existing sidewalk; applicant will pay for a no parking sign which shall be <br />installed at a location chosen by the Town; and applicant will install a Type IIA <br />path from the stable area to the driveway location around the eucalyptus trees <br />on the house side and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Chairmen <br />of the Pathway Committee. <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Ten Rydell and Councilnrnbers Dronkert and Tryon <br />NOES: Councilmenber van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Mayor Fuhrman <br />I,, van Tamelen gave a brief background of this application and stated that the <br />applicant had knowingly placed a sidewalk on the Town's property. <br />[�Nma:ll&*QYI &IRffl <br />1. Request for waiver of variance fees for Lands of Ugie, File TM #5-85, <br />24970 O'Keefe Lane <br />MITION SECONDED AMID CARRED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van Tamelen and <br />passed unanimously by all mmonbers present to waive the variance fees, as <br />recmme ded by the Planning Commission, for the Land of Ugie, File TM #5-85. <br />2. Request for time extension of conditional we permit for Lands of Lacy, <br />File CUP #6-84, Red Rock Road <br />MOTION SECC7,IDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon and passed <br />unaninously by all mmerbers present to grant a one-year extension, to July 2, <br />1987, for the conditional use permit for Lards of Lacy on Red Nock Road. <br />Resolution # accepting the allocation of two comnisssion positions <br />on the Las Altos Library Commission <br />The City Manager noted that Ins Altos had recently modified their ordinance estab- <br />lishing the Los Altos Library Commission to expand the Commission from five to <br />seven members and to provide that two members could be appointed directly by the <br />Ins Altos Hills' City Council. <br />-5- <br />
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