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Mr. Robert Kincheloe, Ad Hoc Cable TV Committee Member, presented <br />a brief background to the Council on the Town at one time being <br />interested in joining Palo Alto for cable TV. This was in the <br />early 1970s and Palo Alto considered cable for about a year but <br />did not reach any conclusions at that time. Mr. Kincheloe was <br />also a member of that sub -committee and was interested at this <br />time not only as a long-time resident of the Town but also as a <br />Senior Advisor to the Stanford Instructional TV Network. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van <br />Tamelen and passed unanimously to accept the Ad Hoc Committee's <br />recommended questionnaire and to concur with the process proposed <br />by the City Manager as follows: 9/12 deadline for receipt of <br />completed questionnaires, 9/13 - 9/19 review of questionnaires by <br />Ad Hoc Committee and preparation of recommendation to Council; <br />10/2 public hearing held by Council to consider responses and <br />recommendations. Selection of the preferred firm could then take <br />place and staff could be directed to enter into negotiations on a <br />franchise agreement. <br />e) Heritage House <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To accept the landscape plan for the <br />Heritage House as approved by the Site Development Committee. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by van <br />Tamelen and passed unanimously to authorize an expenditure not to <br />4 exceed five thousand dollars for the landscaping of the Heritage <br />�+ House and to authorize the City Manager to contract the <br />landscaping project out for no more than said amount. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van <br />Tamelen and passed unanimously to authorize an expenditure not to <br />exceed $3,000 for Heritage House furniture; to authorize Rosemary <br />Meyerott and Mary Stutz to decide what furniture purchases should <br />be made and to authorize Ed Barnes to decide what donations <br />should be accepted. <br />Bob Stutz, 25310 Elena, commented that the choices for trees in <br />front of the house were Red Oak or Maple Sugar. Rosemary <br />Meyerott, 27100 Elena, noted that two of the apricot trees in the <br />back of the house were dead. Mrs. Meyerott also commented on <br />several of the donations that had been made. Ed Barnes, 23750 <br />Ravensbury, commented that he had met someone who may be able to <br />provide the Town with trees wholesale and noted that Tom Legan of <br />Kaiser had offered a contribution of cement, etc. for the patios, <br />etc. <br />Dronkert thanked everyone who had made donations and who had <br />worked on the Heritage House and invited everyone to the <br />celebration on the 6th of September. <br />-10- <br />