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Rydell commented that he was not opposed to the road maintenance <br />study per se. However, he did think the Town should be <br />considering its overall needs rather than this present piecemeal <br />approach to the software issue.(Part of the consultant's task <br />would be to provide IBM AT computer compatible software capable <br />of preparing five year capital improvement programs.) The Town <br />should identify exactly what it needs and then ask for proposals. <br />Request for proposals - Storm Drain Study <br />The City Engineer's 7/31/86 staff report noted that this study <br />would allow the determination of a priority schedule for the <br />repair and improvement of the Town's drainage facilities. <br />Council had several concerns about the proposed list of work to <br />be performed by the consultant selected for this study. In <br />particular, they noted that not all drainage was on public <br />property and creeks and catch basins were interrelated and needed <br />to be addressed. Reference should also be made to the Altamont <br />Drainage Study. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue this item to the next meeting <br />for a report on expansion of the scope of the project. <br />Items Removed from the Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: 7/16/86 <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dronkert <br />and passed unanimously, with Fuhrman and Rydell abstaining, to <br />approve the minutes of the July 16, 1986 Council meeting with the <br />following amendments: page 5, Item F.3, first paragraph, last <br />sentence should read: '. .they hoped for the Town to rebuild <br />the fence.', second paragraph, second sentence should read: <br />'Tryon noted that it certainly was a compelling case for the <br />residents to apply for an encroachment permit and Dronkert would <br />certainly support the waiver of fees for such a permit.'; page <br />12, Item I.4.j), should read: 'Dronkert requested that the letter <br />received 7/7/86 from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District <br />urging cities and counties to include an air quality element in <br />their general plans be filed with the Los Altos Hills' General <br />Plan Study. <br />b) Lands of Berry Hill, Tract 7807 <br />Dronkert referred to the letter recently received from Mr. <br />Lambert which asked Council's approval of the final map for Tract <br />7807 showing Gerard and Lambert, Inc. as the owner of the <br />property due to an internal corporate change. The City Attorney <br />noted that the documents before Council included the correct <br />information. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van <br />Tamelen and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #117-86 <br />accepting a deed conveying real property and easements in Berry <br />Hill Tract 7807 and authorizing recordation thereof (Page Mill <br />Road) and to adopt Resolution #118-86 approving final subdivision <br />map and approving and authorizing execution of subdivision <br />agreement for6�b t Lw<•�r, Tract 7807, Page Mill Road. 6 <br />