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PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct staff to advise all of the local <br />"qw schools of the status of the S -Curve project (specifically Egan, <br />Bullis and Los Altos High) and to direct the contractor to post a <br />sign at the project apologizing for the delay and giving the time <br />of completion. <br />5. Item Removed from Consent Calendar: 8/6/86 Minutes <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Fuhrman <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to approve the <br />minutes of the 8/6/86 Council meeting with the following <br />amendments: page 6, item 4.b) change name in resolution adopted <br />from Berry Hill to Gerard and Lambert; page 7, item I.l.a) second <br />paragraph, change reference to lot 27 to lot 26. Add the follow- <br />ing paragraph: 'Dronkert noted the location of the sewer line was <br />indicated on the site approval map for the adjoining lot, #26. <br />Dronkert further noted that it was possible that the sewer line <br />as shown was not entirely within the easement in question.'; page <br />8, item c) second paragraph, should read: . and is 118" <br />higher than had been allowed under the special land use permit. <br />. ; page 9, item c) motion should read: ' . . .issue of <br />drainage swale and may require one if ; page 11, item g) <br />should read: ' .adopt Financial Consultant Ed Coli's. . , <br />page 14, item g) should read: District 5 North County Day <br />Ceremonies. Tryon noted that she had attended the District 5 <br />(. North County Day ribbon cutting and proclamation ceremonies as a <br />representative of the Town. <br />I. NEW BUSINESS: <br />J. OTHER BUSINESS: <br />Reports from Standing Committees: <br />a) Community Relations Committee <br />Council had received a report from the Community Relations <br />Committee dated 8/1/86. Dronkert suggested that the following <br />agencies be sent invitations to the 9/6/86 dedication ceremonies: <br />Los Altos Garbage Company, Purissima Water District and PG&E. <br />Thanks were extended to the committee for their report. <br />b) Pathways, Recreation and Parks <br />Dronkert thanked the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee for <br />their report dated 7/15/86 on pathway maintenance. <br />C) Environmental Design and Protection: landscap- <br />ing plan for tree planting on Burke Road by Bob Owen <br />Jim Flack, member - Environmental Design and Protection Commit- <br />tee, presented Council with a conceptual landscaping plan as pro- <br />posed by Bob Owen for plantings along Burke Road. It was the com- <br />mittee's opinion that the suggested plantings were acceptable. <br />Mr. Flack noted, however, that although the developer offered to <br />provide the trees, he did not plan to take responsibility for <br />long term care of them (pruning and watering). Mr. Flack offered <br />10 <br />