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the following options: the Town could have a water meter <br />installed; the neighbors could be asked to take responsibility; <br />or the developer could be asked to install water wells. For Coun- <br />cil's reference, Mr. Flack distributed a handout from Sunset Gar- <br />den Book on street and shade trees. The possibility of using live oak or <br />less urban trees was discussed. (AMENDED BY COUNCIL 9/3/86) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to accept with <br />gratitude the offer of dedication of trees from Bob Owen, Inc., <br />to request that the developer install water wells when planting <br />the trees, and to direct Mr. Flack to take the landscaping plan <br />to the Site Development Committee who will make the final <br />determination of the types of trees. <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: <br />K. STAFF REPORTS: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Five-year Capital Improvement Program <br />This item was continued to the next Council meeting. <br />b) Status report on drainage at Concepcion and <br />Camino Hermoso <br />( The City Manager stated that his report dated 8/15/86 on this <br />subject was informational only. <br />C) Urban Service Area <br />This item was continued to the next Council Meeting. <br />2. City Attorney: <br />Dronkert thanked the City Attorney for his report dated 8/19/86 <br />on Council vacancy and Council agreed this matter would be on the <br />next Council agenda. <br />3. City Clerk: Report on Council Correspondence <br />4. Council Business: <br />a) Designation of Voting Delegate for League of <br />California Cities Annual Conference <br />This item was continued to the next meeting. <br />