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b) Request for support of Major League Baseball <br />Stadium in San Jose <br />This item was continued to the next Council meeting. <br />C) Utility Tax <br />It was noted that some residents of the Town were being charged a <br />utility tax by PacBell and MCI. The City Manager was directed to <br />send letters to these organizations on this subject. (Tryon <br />agreed to assist in the drafting of these letters.) <br />d) Telephone Directory <br />Tryon reported that PacBell was looking into showing Los Altos <br />Hills on the telephone directory. <br />L. ADJOURNMENT: <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the <br />City Council adjourned at 12:15 a.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia Dowd, City Clerk <br />The following was added to Item F. by Council at their 9/3/86 meeting: 'Both of <br />these properties involved secondary dwellings on large estates and although these <br />applications did not meet the ordinances it was in the Town's interest to preserve <br />the estates. The Planning Commission will be looking into possible approaches: <br />12 <br />