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Mary Stutz, Chairman - Pathways Committee, in response to a sug- <br />gestion from Tryon that the Site Development Committee and Plan- <br />ning Commission look at special screening for garages, noted that <br />the Site Development Committee had considered placement of ga- <br />rages for several years. <br />Marc Kaufman, Planning Commissioner, asked if a setback could be <br />changed after determined by the Site Development Committee. James <br />Flack, Member - Environmental Design and Protection Committee, <br />asked which organization - Site Development Committee or City <br />Council - was the approving authority. It had been his under- <br />standing that the Site Development Committee was a recommending <br />body to the Council. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed by the following roll call vote to grant a special <br />land use permit for Lands of Bob Owen Homes based on the pro- <br />ject's substantial conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance <br />#300, with the condition that the 40' setback be taken from Burke <br />Road and based on the submitted plans showing the height between <br />28' and 28.5'. <br />AYES: Councilmembers Dronkert, Fuhrman and Tryon <br />NOES: Mayor van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Rydell <br />van Tamelen stated that she voted against this project based on <br />the excess of the height limitation. <br />The City Attorney reported that the Site Development Committee <br />conditions would prevail. While the setback determination was not <br />a condition of the committee, the height stipulation was. If the <br />applicant wanted to change one of these conditions, it woud be <br />necessary for the appliant to go back to the Committee with the <br />requested change. Council could also ask the Site Development <br />Committee to reconsider the application. <br />Ken Pastrof, applicant's representative, stated that his ap- <br />plicant was most anxious to start building and he, therefore, <br />withdrew his request for a change in the height limit. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by <br />Fuhrman and passed by the following roll call vote to reconsider <br />the previous motion. <br />AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilmembers Dronkert and <br />Fuhrman <br />NOES: Councilmember Tryon <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Rydell <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by <br />Fuhrman and passed unanimously by all members present to amend <br />the original motion by deleting reference to the submitted plans <br />showing a height between 28' and 28.5'. <br />