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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to grant a special <br />land use permit for Lands of Bob Owen Homes based on the pro- <br />ject's substantial conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance <br />#300 with the condition that the 40' setback be taken from Burke <br />Road. <br />5. Ordinance # of the City of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills amending the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by amending the <br />text of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code entitled "Zoning Law of the Town of Los Altos Hills" <br />regulating the use of buildings, structures and land; the loca- <br />tion, height, bulk, number of stories of buildings and <br />structures; the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other <br />open spaces; the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a <br />building or structure; intensity of land use; establishing re- <br />quirements for off-street parking and building setback lines; and <br />providing for the division of the Town into zones and amending <br />Section 9-1604 of Chapter 1 of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code entitled 'Subdivisions;' and amending Sections 10- <br />2.301, 10-2.1303 and 10-2.1309 of Chapter 2 of Title 10 of the <br />Los Altos Hills Municipal Code entitled 'Site Develoment;' and <br />repealing Ordinance #292, 295 and 300 <br />Lori Scott, Planning Consultant, presented her report to the <br />Council on the proposed amendments to the zoning, subdivision and <br />site development ordinances. The major areas affected by these <br />changes are as follow: 1) calculation of maximum development <br />area; 2) building coverage; 3) minimum maximum development area <br />and maximum floor area; 4) conditional development permits; 5) <br />maximum height; 6) new height measurement; and 7) nonconforming <br />structures. (This detailed report dated 8/7/86 is on file at Town <br />Hall.) <br />Dieter Kopal, Barley Hill Road, expressed his concerns about the <br />proposed maximum development area. In his opinion, the proposed <br />limits were quite restrictive and seriously affected what an <br />owner could do with his land. Mr. Ray Fenn, Carillo Lane, agreed <br />with Mr. Kopal. He had lived in the Hills for a long time in a <br />modest home and would not be pleased if he decided to add on to <br />his home and found he was unable to due to new ordinances. Wen <br />Chen, Cupertino, reported on a lot in the Hills he was consider- <br />ing purchasing. He noted the size of the lot and what development <br />would be allowed under the old and new regulations. On this par- <br />ticular lot, in his opinion, the change in development area was <br />considerable. <br />Mr. Marc Kaufman, Planning Commissioner, noted that smaller lots, <br />resulting from subdivisions completed under previous regulations, <br />could still be sold and developed but not to the limits of cur- <br />rent lots. Mr. Kaufman also commented that the definition of a <br />lot unit factor and what that allowed was confusing. <br />