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08/20/1986 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
08/20/1986 (2)
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Last modified
4/20/2016 1:36:16 PM
Creation date
7/20/2015 3:54:20 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mr. Paul Borg, 13452 Carillo Lane, asked for clarification of the <br />issue of boats in the proposed ordinance. He again showed the <br />i► Council pictures of his neighbor's property which had on it a <br />boat and a plane. In addition, Mr. Borg noted that his neighbor <br />also had not finished his roof and this project had been going on <br />for some time. Mr. Borg questioned when this ordinance would be <br />in effect, if adopted. <br />Mr. Janklow, 13464 Carillo Lane, suggested that a 90 day limit <br />for outdoor storage of building materials or similar materials <br />unless substantially screened was unreasonable. In his opinion, <br />this figure should be 30. Also the term 'consecutive days' could <br />be a loophole. Mr. Ray Fenn, 13428 Carillo Lane, suggested that <br />the ordinance before Council was a good remedy to the problem. <br />They could decide if materials on a property were properly <br />screened. Mr. Fenn further noted that he had gone through the <br />Town and had only seen approximately six instances which could be <br />addressed by the nuisance ordinance. <br />Marc Kaufman, 14100 Donelson, expressed difficulty with the pro- <br />posed nuisance ordinance. What, for example, would be the action <br />taken regarding horsetrailers. In his opinion, this ordinance was <br />not workable and was being considered to address one particular <br />situation in the Town. Mrs. Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena, noted that <br />most residents would not be in compliance with the proposed or- <br />dinance. She commented that they not only had a horsetrailer but <br />also had a recreational vehicle which was only used on certain <br />kmw occasions. Only if every resident in Town were made to comply <br />would she undertake the steps to screen, etc. these vehicles. In <br />her opinion, this ordinance was impossible to enforce. <br />Fuhrman stated that she felt this ordinance was unenforceable. <br />Dronkert felt that on balance the ordinance would allow Council <br />to make fair judgements and Tryon felt that it provided a method <br />to the residents to help lessen the impact from their neighbors' <br />property. Council did note as a policy statement that horse - <br />trailers were considered agricultural, not recreational, <br />vehicles. <br />The City Attorney, in response to a question by Dronkert as to <br />whether Council had the obligation to make everyone comply with <br />the ordinance, noted that an enforcement program would need to be <br />formulated. This program would include a notice procedure, hear- <br />ing, opportunity for resident to correct, and, if all else fails, <br />abatement of the nuisance by the Town at the owner's expense. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously to waive further reading of ordinance. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed by the following roll call vote to introduce ordinance <br /># entitled 'sanitation and health' by adding thereto Chapter 5 <br />entitled 'nuisances'as modified by the City Attorney and with the <br />following amendments made by Council consensus on 8/20/86: 1) <br />change the term 'substantially screened' to 'adequately <br />screened'; 2) page 1, section (a) Fire Hazards: Dry or dead <br />
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