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ter could be completed. Council accepted Mr. Garces check to the <br />Town. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Fuhrman <br />140, and passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution <br />#130-86 accepting certain improvements in connection with the <br />Lands of Calvo subdivision, 26201 Elena Road. <br />6. Resolution #_awarding a contract for the Westwind Barn Roof <br />Repair <br />The City Manager reported that only one bid had been received for <br />this project in the amount of $32,954. In view of this, he recom- <br />mended that the bid be rejected and bids be called for again on <br />this project. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dronkert <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to reject the bid <br />for the Westwind Barn Roof Repair project received from Ace Roof- <br />ing Company. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution <br />#131-86 ordering the performance of certain work (Westwind Barn <br />Roof Repair). <br />D. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />`. E. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: <br />Commissioner Yanez reported that at the 8/27/86 meeting the <br />Planning Commission took the following actions: approved Lands of <br />Prodromou, conditional use permit for secondary dwelling unit and <br />site development permit; approved site development permit for <br />Lands of Chantalat, 11682 Dawson Drive; discussion of administra- <br />tive draft housing element - study session will be scheduled at a <br />later date on this matter. <br />F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br />1. LANDS OF TAM, 14297 Mountain Road, request for a spe- <br />cial land use permit to allow for a new residence subject to or- <br />dinance #300 <br />The Town Planner presented her report dated 8/28/86 which in- <br />cluded the Site Development Committee's recommendation that the <br />City Council approve a special land use permit for the Lands of <br />Tam based on the project's substantial conformance with the <br />guidelines for Ordinance #300. <br />Safwat Malek, applicant's representative, explained siting of the <br />house, noting that the portion of the house that was two stories <br />was under main roof of house and set far back. He further com- <br />-4- <br />