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09/03/1986 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
09/03/1986 (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/20/2016 1:40:07 PM
Creation date
7/20/2015 3:56:53 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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mented that, in his opinion, the house was not different from the <br />other homes in the area and he did not think it was very visible. <br />too Mr. Tam, applicant, explained location of the house on the lot as <br />indicated by the stakes on the property. <br />Council had several concerns about the proposed project. Dronkert <br />noted that the map did not reflect what was on the site. She also <br />could not make the positive finding that the proposed application <br />was consistent with the lot and the immediate neighborhood. Tryon <br />noted the inadequate plan and the geologic concerns of the prop- <br />erty. van Tamelen stated she could not support the application. <br />There were special characteristics of the site and the proposed <br />house was very visible and not sensitively done. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by <br />Fuhrman and passed by all members present to deny a special land <br />use permit for the Lands of Tam, 14297 Saddle Mountain Road <br />2. LANDS OF WUBBELS, 13831 LaPaloma, request for a spe- <br />cial land use permit to allow for a new residence subject to or- <br />dinance #300 <br />The Town Planner referred to her 8/28/86 report which included <br />the recommendation from the Site Development Committee that the <br />Council approve a special land use permit for Lands of Wubbels <br />based on the project's conformance with the guidelines for Or- <br />dinance #300. The report also included a brief history of the <br />proposed project beginning in August of 1985 with the first sub - <br />40 mittal and a summary of the various reapplications and revisions <br />made by the applicant. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Glathe, 13801 La Paloma, Mr. John Coovert, Jr. <br />26208 Maurer Lane and Carol Seeds, 13944 Fremont Pines Lane, each <br />addressed the Council in opposition to the Wubbels' application. <br />They stated the project was not in conformance with their neigh- <br />borhood, would reduce their property values, was an invasion of <br />their privacy, was not in keeping with the rural character of the <br />Town, and was too large a house for a flag lot. <br />Mrs. Sandra Tanaka, 26020 Newbridge Road, stated that residents <br />pay for their lots and have a right to build. She could not be- <br />lieve the application before Council had actually begun over a <br />year ago. She felt the neighbors had a right to input but should <br />not be able to deny a neighboring resident to build. <br />Mr. Wubbels, applicant, explained that in the process of their <br />applications many modifications and revisions had been made. He <br />felt that the concerns of the neighbors had been addressed and <br />the project before Council reflected a sensitive approach. Mr. <br />Wubbels further noted that they planned to have the landscaping <br />in before they moved in to the house. <br />Council discussed the proposal before them and noted that not <br />only had the applicant made many revisions to his original pro- <br />-5- <br />
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