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ject, he was also now well below the amount of development that <br />he was allowed on his lot. <br />kw <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to grant a special <br />land use permit for the Lands of Wubbels, 13831 LaPaloma, based <br />on the project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance <br />#300 with the stipulation that the landscaping as approved by the <br />Site Development Committee be installed prior to the final in- <br />spection. <br />3. LANDS OF CARNEGHI, Lot #6, Berry Hill Court, request <br />for a special land use permit to allow for a new residence sub- <br />ject to Ordinance #300. <br />The Town Planner referred to her staff report dated 8/28/86 which <br />included the recommendation from the Site Development Committee <br />that Council grant a special land use permit based on the pro- <br />ject's substantial conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance <br />#300. <br />Alan Lambert, applicant's representative, questioned a condition <br />of the Site Development Committee regarding subdivision improve- <br />ments but it was agreed that if they were not completed by the <br />time of occupancy, he could return to the Council at that time. <br />Mr. Lambert also noted that the roofing would be a type of fire <br />retardant materials. <br />Dronkert requested that the Site Development Committee letters be <br />changed to state 'recommend' not 'suggest' fire retardant roof- <br />ing. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by <br />Fuhrman and passed unanimously by all members present to grant a <br />Special Land Use Permit for Lands of Carneghi based on the pro- <br />ject's substantial conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance <br />#300. <br />4. LANDS OF LALONDE, 13770 Robleda Road, request for a <br />special land use permit to allow for an addition subject to Or- <br />dinance #300. <br />The Town Planner presented her staff report dated 8/28/86 which <br />included the recommendation from the Site Development Committee <br />that a special land use permit be granted based on the project's <br />conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #300. <br />Mr. LaLonde, applicant, stated that he was available if the Coun- <br />cil had any questions. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Fuhrman <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to grant a special <br />land use permit for Lands of LaLonde based on the project's con- <br />formance with the guidelines for Ordinance #300. <br />