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G. OLD BUSINESS: <br />1. Ordinance # of the City of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills amending the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code by amending the <br />text of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code entitled 'Zoning Law of the Town of Los Altos Hills' <br />regulating the use of buildings, structures and land; the loca- <br />tion, height, bulk, number of stories of buildings and <br />structures; the size and use of lots, yards, courts and other <br />open spaces; the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a <br />building or structure; intensity of land use; establishing re- <br />quirements for off-street parking and building setback lines; and <br />providing for the division of the Town into zones and amending <br />Section 9-1604 of Chapter 1 of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code entitled 'Subdivisions;' and amending Sections 10- <br />2.301, 10-2.1303 and 10-2.1309 of Chapter 2 of Title 10 of the <br />Los Altos Hills Municipal Code entitled 'Site Development;' and <br />repealing Ordinance Nos. 292, 295 and 300 (SECOND READING) <br />Mr. James Carter, 13975 LaPaloma, asked for a brief overview of <br />the ordinance and asked if it had any effect on setbacks. Mr. Ray <br />Rossi, 24777 Nicole Lane, asked for clarification of <br />'underground'. Mr. Don Schmickrath, 12510 Barley Hill Road, ex- <br />pressed concern that the public was not knowledgeable about the <br />ordinance. In his opinion, it reduced the size of homes and prop- <br />erty values. Mr. Garth Pickett, 24555 Bella Ladera, stated that <br />his pool application would be adversely affected by the new <br />zoning ordinance. He also felt that his property value was adver- <br />sely affected. Mr. Pickett stated that he did not want to build <br />his pool until his son was older but now he would not be able to <br />build it as the new zoning ordinance will not allow it on his <br />property. Mrs. Joyce Clark, 12544 Corbetta Lane, stated she had <br />lived in the Hills for 13 years and she strongly felt that the <br />new zoning ordinance reduced property values. In her opinion the <br />special land use permit was difficult to understand and the Site <br />Development Ordinance allowed the Town to approve or deny ap- <br />plications on a subjective basis. Mrs. Clark further stated that <br />she did not feel the Town could legislate beauty or aesthetic <br />taste. Mr. Guy Pang, 12025 Moody Springs Court, asked if the <br />graph would be part of the ordinance. It was noted that it would <br />not but would be available at Town Hall as a handout. Mr. Marc <br />Kaufman, Planning Commissioner, stated that on balance the or- <br />dinance was going in the right direction although some issues <br />like the maximum development area still needed to be addressed. <br />Planning Commission Yanez asked for clarification of the action <br />regarding applications already on file. The City Manager and <br />City Attorney will report back on this at the next meeting. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To make the following two minor modifica- <br />tions to the ordinance: page 11, Section 10-1.305(a) delete both <br />references to 'or alley'; page 20, first paragraph, change to <br />t 'aesthetic impact on neighboring. . . <br />-7- <br />