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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Plummer, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously to direct the City Manager to grant a <br />building permit to Mr. and Mrs. Armi at 24721 Olive Tree for an <br />enclosure of approximately 183 square feet over the existing deck <br />based on exceptional circumstances and undue hardship. <br />Siegel stated that he would prefer Council did not take actions <br />such as this. He was not comfortable with such actions nor did he <br />think the Council really had the authority. <br />C. POLICE PROTECTION STUDY SESSION: <br />The City Manager referred to his staff report giving the back- <br />ground on police services dated 12/5/86 (on file at Town Hall). <br />This report covered the existing sheriff's contract, expanded <br />service, future sheriff's contract and other options. <br />Council discussed various aspects of the report. In part the fol- <br />lowing issues were reviewed: activity hours, patrol, areas of em- <br />phasis, level of service (response time, hours of coverage, etc.) <br />and level of competent service. Council also noted that any <br />change in the present service (either to Foothill College*or the <br />City of Los Altos) would be presented for a vote of the residents <br />of the Town. *JPA (AMMED BY COUNCIL 12/17/86) <br />Mrs. Ruth Buneman, Chairman - Safety Committee, commented that <br />from personal experience she was aware that the Sheriff's Depart- <br />ment was making routine patrols of the Town, at least in her <br />area. <br />Council discussed which direction they should take at this time. <br />As the purpose of this study session was to specifically review <br />the current level of service with the Sheriff's Department and <br />possible supplemental service with the Department, Council agreed <br />to hold another study session to review the other options: Los <br />Altos Police Department, Foothill College*and Community Services <br />Officer. This study session was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wed- <br />nesday, January 14, 1987. *JPA (AMa1DED BY COUNCIL 12/17/86) <br />D. ADJOURNMENT: <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City <br />Council adjourned at 5:30 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia Dowd, City Clerk <br />