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subdivision, with the recommmendation that the mitigating <br />measures be in place prior to filing of final map. The matter of <br />conflict of interest was also discussed. It was noted that the <br />City Attorney would prepare materials on the subject and it would <br />be discussed at the Joint Meeting of the Council and Commission <br />in January. <br />E. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br />F. OLD BUSINESS• <br />1. Community Health Abuse Council - JPA Loan <br />Dronkert noted that Foothill Bank, as a condition of the loan, <br />would be requiring each city involved to sign a guarantee that <br />they would stand behind the loan. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by <br />Siegel and passed unanimously to authorize the City Manager to <br />sign any formal bank documents if they are needed regarding the <br />financing of the new Community Health Abuse Council Building. <br />2. Lands of Haeckl, Blandor Way, request for extension to <br />deadline for obtaining building permit <br />Mr. Haeckl, applicant, explained that he had hired a second soils <br />engineer based on the comments by the Town's Geologist and had <br />therefore experienced some delay in obtaining his building <br />permit. He also noted that there were some changes to his plans <br />but that the square footage was the same. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dronkert <br />and passed unanimously to grant an extension of thirty days to <br />February 3, 1987 for Mr. Haeckl to obtain a building permit for <br />Lot #25, Blandor Way. <br />3. Lands of Wubbels, LaPaloma Road, request for extension <br />to deadline for obtaining building permit <br />Mr. Wubbels, applicant, noted that their plans would probably be <br />submitted to the Town within the next two weeks. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Tryon <br />and passed unanimously to grant an extension to February 6, 1987 <br />for Mr. Wubbels to obtain a building permit for 13831 LaPaloma <br />Road. <br />G. NEW BUSINESS: <br />~ -3- <br />