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CITY COUNCIL MINVPES - January 16, 1985 <br />D. REPORT FROM THE PIANNING OONMTSSION: <br />%OW Carvmissioner narhenhruch noted that at their 1/9/85 meeting the annual <br />review of the conditional use permits for Fraront Hills Country Club and <br />Westwind Darn had been discussed and approved. The Site Approval applica- <br />tion for Lands of Steers, File SA #4-84 had been denied due to insufficiency <br />of lot area. <br />Commissioner Lachenbruch also reported on the status of the site development <br />ordinance. It was his understanding that a draft document would be sent <br />to the planning consultant (Connerly & Associates) after the Joint Study <br />Session of the Planning Commission and City Council scheduled for 1/30/85. <br />Mr. Iachenbruch referred to two major problems with the existing ordinance: <br />1) iters over which the ordinance has jurisdiction are limited; and 2) many <br />projects do not have to go through the site development process. The <br />Commission had discussed the formation of two committees: a major site <br />development ammittee which would be made up of Planning Ccamission repre- <br />sentatives and staff, would involve notification of the neighbors and would <br />address projects such as swimming pools, ternnis courts, second stories, etc. <br />The minor site develognent counuttee would be made up of staff nmbers, would <br />not involve notification of the neighbors and would address development activies <br />of a lesser magnitude. <br />Mayor Allison cemented that the structure of the cammittee(s) needed to be <br />formalized and suggested that that the carmnissioners have six-month, over- <br />lapping terms. He also noted that the time of the site development meetings <br />might have to be changed to facilitate scheduling. <br />Mayor Allison requested that Council consider Item H.1a) concerning the report <br />on obtaining funds from the Federal FSm gency Management Agency at this point in <br />the meeting as Mr. Miller was present at the meeting. Council concurred with this <br />request. <br />H.1.a) Report on obtaining funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency <br />The City Manager presented the proposal received from Mr. Gordon Miller to <br />provide professional services in obtaining federal funds for reimbursement of <br />Town expenditures for storm damage in the 1982-83 winter. Mr. Miller estimated <br />that the 'Town was eligible for reimbursement of $81,729. Mr. Miller's fee <br />would be $35/hour for a total cost of $5,600. <br />MOTION SECONDED ARID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to direct staff to prepare an agreement <br />with Gordon Miller to provide professional services in obtaining Federal funds <br />for reimbursement of storm damage expenditures. <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Resolution # approving and authorizing execution of an agreement between <br />the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Eduardo 0. Coli <br />WPION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to continue this item to the 2/6/85 Council <br />meeting for clarification of certain redundant statements in the agreement. <br />-2- <br />