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CITY CDDNCIL MINUTES - January 16, 1985 <br />F. <br />1. Item Removed frau the Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: December 19, 1964 <br />M1rION SBODhDED AbID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhmnan and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to approve the minutes of the 12/19/84 <br />Council meeting with the following amendments: page 2, Item C.2, paragraph 2 <br />should read: 'Mr. Scarborough and Mr. Enright informed Council spraying being <br />conducted is being done with a pre -emergent and contact herbicides, noting all <br />spraying is within road right of way or pathway.'; page 4, Item E.2., at the <br />conclusion of this item a statement should be added that 'Mayor Pro Tem <br />Dronkert left the Council meeting due to another cammitnpnt.'; page six, <br />Item G.1, second paragragh, delete first sentence, second sentence to read: <br />'The League of California Cities has requested that funds allocated to the Town <br />for private activity bowls be returned to the State for use by another City, <br />noting Los Altos Hills would not be using the funds by the end of the calendar <br />year.'; page eight, Item H.4, the word 'the' in line two should be charged to <br />'she'. It was also rioted that the minutes should be checked for the correct <br />spelling of Councilwoman Fuhrman's name. <br />1. Reports from Standing Conmi.ttees: none <br />2. Reports f=in Ad Hoc Committees: none <br />3. Comments from the Council: <br />a) Mayor Allison: Meeting with Supervisor Dianne McKenna <br />Allison oznrented that Supervisor McKenna had suggested meeting the Council - <br />members to discuss concerns, items of interest, etc. It was agreed that a <br />study session would be scheduled for Thursday, January 24, 1985 at 7:30 a.m. <br />at the Blintz Restaurant in los Altos. (The location for this study session/ <br />breakfast meeting would be confirmed early the week of the 21st.) <br />b) Peninsula Division - League of California Cities <br />Allison noted that at the 1/17/84 meeting of the Peninsula Division a vote <br />would be taken on Helen Bedesem's (Councilmenber - Half Moon Bay) election to <br />the league of California Cities' Board. Since none of the Council were planning <br />to attend the meeting, the Mayor would contact another voting delegate to <br />voice the Town's approval at the meeting of this appointment. <br />C) Pacific Gas & Electric <br />Allison referred to an article in the 1/16/85 issue of the San Jose Mercury <br />concerning the level of service provided by PG&E. He eo mented that this article <br />was misleading since the area of Natcma/Black Mountain/Elena Roads had been <br />experiencing power outages on a frequent basis. Allison further commented that <br />calls to PG&E did not produce solutions to the problem. Councilmenbers added <br />that there were other areas in Town which were also experiencing difficulties <br />with PG&E. <br />-5- <br />